Modern Scientific Aspects of the Administrative and Legal Status of an Employee of the Internal Affairs Body Based on Materials from Mongolia and the Russian Federation

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The co-authors highlighted issues related to modern scientific aspects of the administrative and legal status of an employee of an internal affairs body based on materials from Mongolia and the Russian Federation, touched upon the problems of comparative legal analysis in order to improve the administrative and legal status of an employee of internal affairs bodies. The essence and issues of the implementation of the legal status of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, which is in the center of attention of both scientists (first of all, administrators), legislators, civil society, and the employees themselves, due to its relevance, are considered.

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About the authors

Erdenebulgan Nyamsuren

Management Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

adjunct Moscow, Russia

Galina Petrovna Lozovitskaya

Management Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Dr.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, professor of psychology, pedagogy and organization of work with personnel department Moscow, Russia


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