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The purpose of this article is to present a theoretical and applied study of the determination of sexual abuse in order to work out the most effective measures to prevent and prevent criminal encroachment on the sexual inviolability of minors. Results. The author highlights the main approaches to determining the determinants of crime, as well as analyzed some factors that serve as the causes and conditions for committing debauchery actions. This article will be useful to persons studying the disciplines of «Criminal Law», «Criminology», as well as scholars and practitioners in organizing and developing measures to counter the considered criminal phenomenon. In addition, the obtained results complement the scientific research in the field of criminology, which can be used in solving the problems posed by this branch of science.

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Acesso é fechado

Sobre autores

Elizaveta Alieva

State Budgetary Institution «Moscow Research Center»

Position: Chief expert. Department: Linguistic Studies Department.


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