A retrospective analysis of the legislative and enforcement practices of anti-corruption


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The uncontrolled spread of the phenomenon of corruption, a qualitative analysis of which cannot be carried out without a retrospective sketch of the past and the present, can be the key to destabilizing the sphere of combating corruption in the future. Numerous attempts to study and analyze the problems of corruption and the development of tools to counter its negative manifestations indicate a division of opinion into two camps. Some consider it necessary to strengthen the activities of law enforcement agencies in this direction, while others consider it appropriate to pursue a more liberal anti-corruption policy. This work touches on historical studies of past periods in the field of combating corruption, demonstrates the current legislative framework, and also includes various types of content analysis of the studied issues.

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Sobre autores

Anton Bondar

Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North Caucasus Institute for Advanced training

Email: kecapb86@mail.ru
police senior lieutenant. Position: lecturer. Department: Enforcement Organization chair


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