International and foreign experience of combating corruption


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Corruption is currently a large-scale problem that affects many countries. Modern globalization processes have a significant impact on the spread of this illegal phenomenon throughout the world. For some regions, the problems of corruption are more typical, for others - less, however the specified illegal act is present to one degree or another in every state. The existing scale of the negative consequences of corruption around the world has led to the creation and development of domestic mechanisms to counter this unlawful act and increased international cooperation in combating corruption crimes. The purpose of writing the work is to study international and foreign experience in combating corruption. Despite the presence of a large number of scientific papers on the issues of corruption behavior, a number of law enforcement problems are currently arising with regard to anti-corruption legislation. These problems negatively affect not only the life of certain states, but also can significantly inhibit the development of entire regions. The author concludes that to date, international and domestic mechanisms have been created to combat corruption behavior, which differ in the scale of activity and the variety of measures applied. Particular attention is paid to the functioning of foreign anti-corruption mechanisms; the most effective measures to combat this illegal phenomenon are highlighted. It seems promising to consider this experience when improving national anti-corruption mechanisms in various fields. Attention is focused on the ineffectiveness of the anti-corruption measures application by analogy with other countries without taking into account the unique development of each state.

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Irina Gutieva

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

PhD (Law), police colonel, Deputy Head of the Department of State and civil disciplines Nalchik, Russia


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