Globalization as an Environment Conducive to the Spread of Information Extremism and Terrorism


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The purpose of the study was to examine globalization processes in the context of the spread of information extremism and terrorism. Extremism and terrorism, as a negative social phenomenon, are an inevitable companion of any developed state. Differences in people's worldviews and values are a stumbling block and are a good ground for promoting extremist and terrorist ideas. The consequence of these changes in the world community was political instability, which led to the growth of information extremism and terrorism. The objectives of the study are to analyze the causes of information extremism and terrorism. In our study, we tried to uncover the essence of information extremism and terrorism, which has become widespread in global space and broadcasts radical ideologies that call for aggressive forms of behavior, communication and confrontation, while justifying the crimes and terrorist attacks committed, positioning them as the only effective in the circumstances. Conclusions: We have established that globalization has become an enabling environment for the promotion of extremism and terrorism in the global media space. Information extremism and terrorism have become a direct product of globalization. The desire to wage an information war became the driving force in the search for points of "vulnerability" of mass consciousness, as a result of which the problem of information extremism was updated. Moreover, its concentration and activity are much higher where there is no healthy statehood. We also came to the conclusion that the scale of information extremism and terrorism was due to globalization processes, which exacerbated the economic, political and social confrontation along the North-South axis. Hence, extremism and terrorism have become widespread throughout the world and can almost freely increase the number of their followers.

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Sobre autores

Azamat Cherkesov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Police Captain, senior lecturer at the Fire Training Department Nalchik, Russia


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