Improving State Policy in the Field of Information Countering Terrorism


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Terrorism is one of the problems that is a direct threat to the national security of the State. In the current conditions of active implementation of information and communication tools, it is necessary to develop new methods of combating terrorism. The key subject, or rather the organizer of anti-terrorist activities is the state. State policy in this area has undergone significant changes, especially in terms of the methodology of countering terrorism. Thus, one of the directions of state policy is not force counteraction, but information. Information acts as one of the resources of the fight against terrorism and extremism. The relatively recent formation of a new vector of struggle creates a number of problems in terms of determining the methodology and evaluating the effectiveness of new mechanisms in the fight against terrorism. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of state policy in the field of information counteraction to terrorism and to determine the ways of further development. Only the State can resist new forms of terrorism and extremism. It is obvious that the use of modern information resources allows the state to provide effective counteraction to the spread of terrorism and extremism on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to transform these tools, as the pace of development of information technologies is very high. In modern society, it is important to use information tools, since terrorists actively use information tools to carry out their illegal activities. In the current conditions, it is necessary to form a new policy of the state, especially in terms of information counteraction to terrorism, it is necessary to build a modern and maximally adaptable information system of struggle. Only a competent and comprehensive state information policy will make it possible to effectively combat new forms of terrorism.

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Sobre autores

Jamilya Balaeva

Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Cand.Sci.(Law), Senior Lecturer Moscow, Russia

Azamat Zhukov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Cand.Sci.(Techn.), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Internal Affairs in Special Conditions Nalchik, Russia


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