The Use of Psychological Aspects in the Framework of Preventive and Preventive Actions in Ensuring Public Order at Public Events



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The purpose of the study. The article considers the phenomenon of the crowd, its psychological impact on a person. The characteristic of group violations of public order and mass riots is given. The public danger and the actions of an uncontrollable crowd of people and the creation of a tense situation in a certain area are revealed. It also reveals the practice of psychological preventive measures of internal affairs bodies aimed at combating mass riots at public events. Results: The use of psychological aspects in the framework of preventive and preventive actions in ensuring public order at public events is necessary in order not to violate the foundations of public administration in matters of public order and public safety. Consequently, in order to prevent the paralysis of the activities of the authorities and management, it is necessary to focus in advance on carrying out preventive and preventive measures aimed at ensuring law and order at public events. Such actions make it possible to control the socio-political situation and be able to stop illegal actions of certain groups of persons at public events in a timely manner.

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Sobre autores

Oleg Teplyakov

Leningrad Regional Branch of Saint Petersburg University Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (LOF SPbU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)

Cand.Sci.(Politics); Associate Professor of the Department of Special Disciplines Murino, Leningrad region, Russian Federation

Maksim Moldavsky

Leningrad Regional Branch of Saint Petersburg University Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (LOF SPbU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)

Cand.Sci.(Law); lecturer of the Department of special disciplines Murino, Leningrad region, Russian Federation

Vladimir Gorbanev

Leningrad Regional Branch of Saint Petersburg University Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (LOF SPbU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)

Cand.Sci.(Law); lecturer of the Department of special disciplines Murino, Leningrad region, Russian Federation


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