Radicalism as a Factor of Destabilization of the World Political Situation



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The purpose of this study was to study the phenomenon of radicalization. Due to the lack of an empirical basis, difficulties also arise with the definition of a single concept of radicalism, the methodology of its study, the methodology for measuring its indicators, and, accordingly, it is not possible to consider the factors associated with the process of radicalization. Summarizing the variety of interpretations proposed by various authors, we note that radicalization is understood as the process of transition from non-violent forms of expression of opinions to violent actions. The process of radicalization does not occur linearly, it acts as a complex causal relationship. Radical opinions are not a crime. However, participation in violent extremism and terrorism is already a crime. And as law enforcement officers confirm, the greatest risk group is young people, because due to a misunderstanding of the goals of destructive ideologies, they fall under the influence of their emissaries, becoming on a par with extremists and terrorists. The growth of radical sentiment in recent years has been facilitated by the Internet environment, which determined the global, viral, scalable and cascading effect of online radicalization. The time period of the process of radicalization was shortened, and the ideological, financial, organizational and transnational ties of ultra-right extremist communities were actively consolidated. It has been established that radicalism, being a predictor of extremism and terrorism, remains in the role of a global geopolitical risk and a threat to international security. A significant role in strengthening right-wing radicalism was played by the possibilities of the Internet environment, which made it possible to unite like-minded people on a global scale. These communities flooded all major social platforms and alternative information platforms with extremist content, thus forming a vast virtual ecosystem of right-wing extremism. In addition, huge amounts of fake news began to enter the Internet space, which increased the vulnerability of the entire society and states, which, as a result, acts as a destabilizing factor in the world political situation.

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Sobre autores

Albert Kurshev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Email: albert.kurshev@mail.ru
police lieutenant colonel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Fire Training Nalchik, Russia


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