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The article updates and defines the phenomenon of the «justification of evil», which is reflected in social practice, the activities of the state and, in particular, some traditional religious teachings. The manifestation of this phenomenon is multidimensional. The article gives his criminal and criminological characteristics. The first of these will consist in the reflection of this phenomenon in the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which are given in the work, and the second in the manifestation of this phenomenon in the justification of criminal acts by the subjects of their commission. The author concludes that the phenomenon of «justifying evil», which is reflected in Russian criminal law, is a rather serious criminological problem for our country because it has very dangerous consequences in the form of cultivating criminal activity of members of society, preserving the level of crime (especially juvenile crime) at a high enough level. In addition, it contributes to the regress of the cultural and moral development of citizens, a return to the primitive mechanisms of regulation on social problems and contradictions. That is why it is necessary to develop adequate measures to prevent the development of the phenomenon in question in Russian society and reduce its support from the state.




Alexander Smirnov

Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

PhD at Law, Associate Professor. Position: Leading Researcher. Department: SRC-2


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