Measures of prevention of youth extremism



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This article is devoted to the prevention of youth extremism by the example of that are taken at a special level, accompanied by the positive experience of those regions in which the author conducted research. various schools and universities take on a local level a list of actions consisting in organizing cultural, educational, educational, informational events to instill in young people ideas of interethnic and interreligious respect. In addition, as part of special measures, separate lessons, courses, and seminars are being created to explain certain issues related to the theme of extremism. The examples cited by the author of a number of subjects show that the launched projects to create highly specialized educational structures are very successful and can be considered as positive experiences for other entities. The author comes to the conclusion that such a measure as accounting and analysis of the current state of the anti-extremist environment is of great importance. To this end, a significant role is given to compiling and posting reports, reports, reviews, statistical and other information on countering youth extremism. The analysis of the results of our own research obtained by the author made it possible to conclude: using the existing arsenal of measures, as well as developing and improving anti-extremist tools, it is possible to implement comprehensive and comprehensive work to protect young people and other categories of citizens, as well as reduce the level of involvement of young people in illegal activities.




Milana Serbieva

Chechen State University

postgraduate student of the department of criminal law and criminology


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