Victimological aspects of crimes of terrorist nature



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In the presented article, the concept of “ideology of terrorism” is analyzed and the essential characteristics of this category are formulated. The author investigated modern methods of combating the ideology of terrorism in the Russian Federation, formulated recommendations on the basics of organizing a system of these methods and determined the most effective of them. A deep, comprehensive and thorough study of the personality characteristics of victims and their behavior, pre-criminal situations that contributed to the commission of terrorist acts, other criminological aspects of the crimes under consideration serves as a reliable basis for developing more effective measures to prevent terrorism. This article does not pose the task of studying the personal properties and qualities of victims of terrorist acts, their behavioral reactions before, during and after the commission of crimes, etc., but this analysis, of course, is necessary. The only thing to pay attention to in this case is that among the victims of terrorist attacks as compared with victims of other crimes there are few who can be called "vicious", "guilty", provoking a crime. According to researchers, since the end of the last century, the number of victims of terrorism has undoubtedly increased. The leaders of law enforcement agencies annually confirm the instability of the criminal situation and the high degree of threat of terrorist acts around the world. This is confirmed by information on the number of terrorist acts carried out by members of gangs in recent years, as well as the results of counter-terrorism activities. The number of victims of terrorist acts, as well as the “price” of such consequences should supplement the total data on the results of the fight against terrorism.




Ahmed Aripshev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Police Colonel, PhD (Econ.), Deputy head of Fire Training Department Nalchik, Russia


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