Network factors for the formation of extremist installations in youth



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Nowadays for millions of people the Internet has become perhaps the main source of information, entertainment, a "platform" for self-expression and self-affirmation, a source of income. But along with its main informational function, it also performs the functions of enlightening education and the worldview formation. The aim of the article is to study the negative impact of information resources on the worldview, namely on the attitudes of young people. The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that today extremism is gaining an alarming scale and has a devastating effect on the fate of mankind. The article gives a general definition of the concept of «attitudes», as well as separately examines the essence of extremist attitudes. The object of the research is the process of forming extremist attitudes among young people. The subject of the study is the analysis of network influences on the formation of extremist attitudes among young people. The author analyzes the system of factors influencing the formation of extremist attitudes among the younger generation, and separately considers network factors that are a prerequisite for their occurrence. The author concludes that network influences on the formation of extremist attitudes among young people are intensified due to socioeconomic problems in society, the lack of a balanced state educational policy observed at the present stage of the family crisis, and poor control of network resources by state and law enforcement agencies. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that the problem of network influences on the process of forming extremist attitudes among young people cannot be solved only by private prohibitive measures. It requires an integrated approach, the development of a focused state policy and the participation of the state and social institutions, including systems of general, higher and additional education, with the support of the family and society.




Anzhela Kurashinova

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

PhD (Pedagogics), Senior lecturer of the State, Civil and Law disciplines Department Nalchik, Russia


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