On extremism as a political and social phenomenon



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The ail of the worker washi too conduct a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of religious fundamentalism, determine its essence, and consider the impact of this concept on modern society. It is supposed to analyze the placce and rote of religion in the life of modern society, to describe the genesis and essential features of extremism in modern religious studies and socio-political literature, to identify the socio-historical and political sources of extremism, to consider the modernist trends of modern religious fundamentalism, to substantiate practical recommendations and suggestions regarding prevention possible threats of the spread of extremist sentiments in society. Of the study are based on the principles of comparison and analogy, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, systematization and generalization. Determining the meaning of a number of concepts related to the subject of research requires the application of the principle of objectivity, and the transformation of religious fundamentalism in historically different versions - the principle of historicism and religious studies comparative studies. The typology of phenomena and comparative historical analysis are used in the work. Of various interpretations of extremism in modern consciousness and scientific religious knowledge, in identifying determining the nature of the use of concepts for political and ideological purposes. Normative courses in political science and philosophy in higher educational institutions. Of counteraction of internal affairs bodies to extremist crimes. The basis of the study was the classic and modern theoretical provisions of criminal law, criminalistics, administrative law. The principle of interdisciplinary makes it possible to consider this work as complex, taking into account active interaction with various services and organizations in the framework of countering these crimes.




Margarita Mashekusheva

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Email: mashekuasheva@mail.ru
PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department of State and Civil Law Disciplines Nalchik, Russia


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