Use of special knowledge in the investigation of intentional bankruptcy in Russian Federation



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The article presents an analysis of the process of using special knowledge in the investigation of intentional bankruptcies in the Russian Federation. The article stipulates that deliberate bankruptcy involves the unlawful concealment of the debtor's property. To identify the mechanism for the commission of such fraud, it is advisable to appoint a forensic accounting expertise. The author points out the need to attract knowledgeable persons to clarify a specific list of documents to be inspected and seized, to establish compliance of testimonies with the normatively-established rules of doing business, to assist in raising questions for future interrogations of witnesses and perpetrators, to determine the purpose and value of liquid property, features of carrying out certain operations, as well as assisting the investigator in fixing the course and results of the investigative action using video and photo equipment.




Albert Tutukov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of Krasnodar University of MIA Russia

PhD (Law), associate professor, police colonel, Head of Law Enforcement activities organization chair Nalchik, Russia


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