Criminological characteristics of the minors who made the road and transport crimes



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In this article, the author considers the problems associated with the criminological characteristics of the personality of a minor criminal who has committed road traffic crimes. Taking into account the psychophysiological processes that occur in the human body during its minority, it is safe to say that this stage of life is key in the formation of a legal component in the human mind. In cases of influence of certain external factors, the minor's worldview is distorted. This is the origin of deviant manifestations in the behavior of a teenager, and since a minor gets into traffic conditions on a daily basis, the manifestation of such deviations in this area becomes the most likely. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the mechanism of committing road traffic crimes by minors, analyze the properties, qualities and typology of the criminal's personality, determine the place and role of internal Affairs bodies in the system of analysis and prevention of road accidents, develop and justify recommendations and proposals, the implementation of which will contribute to improving the effectiveness of preventing road traffic crimes by minors and ensuring road safety. In the article the analysis of criminological characteristics of juvenile offenders: the basic determinants of criminal behavior juvenile, described the structure of the personality of the offender, especially his criminal behavior.




Guseyn Magomedov

North-Caucasian Institute (branch) of RSUJ (RLA of the Ministry of justice of Russia)

PhD (Law), Associate Professor

Kamil Malachiev

North-Caucasian Institute (branch) of RSUJ (RLA of the Ministry of justice of Russia)

master student


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