The Concept and Content of the Right to Life in the Russian Federation



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The purpose of this study is to analyze the right to life and related legal categories enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular, the legal fact that gives rise to the right to life, the legal basis for abortion, cloning, euthanasia, suicide, the death penalty, as well as the moment which is associated with the termination of human life and, consequently, the right to life. The result of this study is the conclusion that the right to life in the Russian Federation, despite its fundamental nature, cannot be called detailed. The content of the right to life is determined by each researcher independently, because the legislator has not been clearly established which regulations should be perceived as constituent parts of the right to life. As a result, there are two approaches to understanding the right to life. According to the first point of view, a person is perceived exclusively as a biological being, therefore, the content of the right to life concerns only the issues of his biological existence. According to the second point of view, a human is considered a separate person, therefore, not only the biological existence of a person is important, but also the socio-economic aspects of his life. At the same time, the categories related to the right to life contain inaccuracies or gaps in the legal regulation. In particular, in the Russian Federation, there is no specificity in the issue of legal recognition of the moment of the beginning of a person's life, state policy regarding abortion; provisions related to the death penalty, cloning, euthanasia, suicides, etc. are controversial.




Anna Kanakova

Altai State University

Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Law Barnaul, Russia


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