To the question of specificity of economic crimes in the railway construction



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Construction is one of the most criminalized sectors of the economy, which is due to significant financial investments in it. So, in the construction sphere of railway transport in the Russian Federation until 2030 it is planned to send at least 12.5 trillion rubles from the federal budget and the budgets of the subjects of the federation. According to the author of the article, while having common features of the construction industry, there are peculiarities considered in the railway transport construction sphere which help to function on detention and investigation of crimes committed not only by officials in the construction organizations but also by the other subjects involved in our researched science. The necessity of criminal investigation in a variety of financial and economic relations between subjects based on stages of the building process starting with the execution of competitive procurement procedures up to the completed works acceptance phase is offered to be reviewed. Particular attention is drawn to the ability of economic security and combating the corruption case officers to effectively detect crimes in the respective direction through using information about the subjects of committed crimes in the researched category of criminal proceedings, their special features, ways and documentation used for committing & concealing those crimes.




Sergey Andreev

Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation on transport

Vladimirsky Line Department, Department of Economic Security and counteracting corruption Vladimir, Russia


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