On the Evaluation of Information Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Individual EAEU Member States



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The purpose of the article is to study the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of information systems of some EAEU member states in order to create and maintain a single information space. The analysis of the legal support of the state of information environments is carried out. Model. The study examined the experience of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Belarus as member states of the EAEU in order to identify the degree of readiness of statistical systems, also examined the forms of statistical reporting and instructions for completing them, methodological recommendations and statistical publications containing methodological explanations. Findings. The formation of statistical data in accordance with international standards (recommendations) is a necessary condition for the inclusion of country indicators in the databases of leading international organizations. In the framework of this work, we analyzed the representation of indicators of the development of the digital economy of the EAEU member States in the information resources of the ITU, the World Bank, and UNCTAD. In the Russian Federation, the indicators that characterize the development of the digital economy infrastructure are formed according to the data of communication statistics developed according to the data of the federal statistical observation forms, among them: information on the development of telematics services and data transmission network services, information on the exchange (traffic) on telecommunications networks, information on the technical means of long-distance, intra-zone and international telephone communication, information on the technical means of local telephone networks, information on the coverage of the population by cable and terrestrial television and radio broadcasting, information about mobile communication networks, information about revenue from communication services. The article is based on the results of research carried out at the expense of the Scientific Fund of the Financial University.




Evgeniy Vengerovskiy

the Platform of Civil Initiative Initiatives «Initiator»

Email: elv-2312@mail.ru
CandSci.(Law), Director for Development


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