Comparative Analysis of the Legal Regulation of the Information Sphere of Some Countries of Southeast Asia and the Eurasian Economic Union



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The objective of the article is in the mode of dynamic analysis of the information system in the context of intensified regional integration of the countries of the former USSR within the EAEU A comparative analysis of the state of the information environment of some EAEU countries and Southeast Asia is carried out. Model. The study examined the positive experience of Singapore and the specifics of the development of ICT technologies in the context of a low standard of living of the population, political instability and corruption in other Asian countries; analyzed the digital agenda of the EAEU countries; the positive experience was considered and a number of achievements of the EAEU countries were identified; attention is paid to some of the features and patterns of development in the context of the development of multilateral cooperation and the expansion of the scale between countries. Findings. The results of this study are expressed in the formulation of the specifics of the legal regulation of the sphere of foreign countries. Scope of application of the level of the higher education management system. Conclusions obtained in the course of the research Introduction with the use of improving the practice of organization and legal regulation of the higher education system in Russia. The article was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of the Scientific Fund of the Financial University.




Venera Shaydullina

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor of the Department of International and Public Law of the Law Faculty Moscow, Russia


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