Criminological Characteristics and Problems of Fraud Qualification in the Global Information Space



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The purpose of this study was to study the impact of the development of IT technologies on the growth of the communication capabilities of the Internet, which resulted in the emergence of fraudulent activities in the global space. Fraud has a special place in the crime system, and it will only grow and improve in the coming years. The definition of fraud in the global information space is a set of crimes, the main characteristic of which is the unity of the way they are committed and selfish motivation. In this case, the unity of the methods of committing a crime lies in the use of communication technologies for deceitful purposes. The objectives of the research are to analyze the problems of qualification and criminological characteristics of fraud in the global information space. We have determined that today law enforcement practice distinguishes two types of fraud in the global information space. The first type includes computer fraud using the capabilities of the Internet space and is called "computer-dependent", since the commission of this type of crime is carried out by copying computer information. Accordingly, the second type of fraud is represented by forms that use the capabilities of the Internet in order to realize the criminal intent of enrichment. And they are called "computer independent". Conclusions: we have established that for the correct criminalization of fraud in the global network, it is necessary to determine a set of signs that allow to properly systematizing the idea of it. These signs include: the method and instrument of the crime, as well as the goals, motives and its consequences. And when analyzing the ways of committing fraud, we have identified the presence of two components - it is deception or breach of trust. The tool here is the global information space. With regard to the goals and motives of this type of crime, the presence of selfish interest, namely the desire to obtain economic benefits at someone else's expense, speaks out. And finally, summarizing the consequences of fraud in the global information space, we note the following: loss of property by the owner; loss of the right to own property; causing property damage; use of telecommunication opportunities for illegal purposes.




Islam Abazov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

police lieutenant colonel, senior lecturer at the Internal Affairs Activities in special conditions Department Nalchik, Russia


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