Criminological Characteristics of Crimes Against Property Based on Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation



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The article examines the problems associated with the constant increase in the number of various types of property crimes in our country. Crimes of this type have always occupied a significant place in the structure of crimes committed. If we take into account the fact that a fairly significant number of crimes for one reason or another are not registered (the so-called latent crime), then we can say that this can eventually acquire a frightening character and lead to dire social consequences in our society. The purpose of the work was to study a number of features of the criminological characteristics of crimes against property on the example of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as a factor that has an extremely destructive effect on the development of a number of social and socio - political relations in modern Russian society. The authors of the article argue that the relevance and significance of the research topic is determined not only by the level of social danger of crimes in this category, but also by the constant growth in recent years of various types of new fraudulent actions among other types of crimes. When conducting an analytical study, the authors used various official legal sources in their work, as well as manuals and works on the study of the elements of crimes against property, both in criminology and in criminal law. The article presents an analysis of statistical data reflecting the current state of crime in the Russian Federation. In addition, the authors give a specific example in the work, which speaks of the need for a thorough, comprehensive study of the personality of the offender when carrying out the criminological characteristics of the crime. Conclusions of the study. Based on the analysis carried out, the authors conclude that when investigating crimes of a property nature, employees of the preliminary investigation bodies should constantly improve their tactical and methodological techniques in order to successfully solve crimes and bring the perpetrators to criminal responsibility.




Alexander Surtsev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Cand.Sci.(Pedagogics), Police Major, Lecturer of Special Disciplines Department Nalchik, Russia

Zamirat Kargieva

Chechen State University

Dr.Sci.(Pedagogics), Professor, Professor of the Theory and Technology of Social Work Department Grozny, Russia


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