Formation of Tactical and Psychological Readiness Among Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies for the Use of Struggle Combat Methods




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The purpose of this study is to study the potential of the tactical and psychological readiness of an internal affairs officer to use combat methods of fighting against the offender. In the current emergency situation, it is necessary for police officers, first of all, to master the knowledge of the legal basis for their application. Since police officers often lose in psychological, technical and physical training to criminals, while ensuring personal safety, it is necessary to show resourcefulness and quick reaction in a fight. In the conditions of hostilities, the use of any methods against the offender is justified by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. It has been established that at frontier controls, an employee is required to demonstrate a comprehensive mastery of the technique, i.e. in one motor task, the employee must technically cooperate with several techniques and movements that were previously studied in a divided version. This task is difficult for most graduates. From here, we come to the understanding that in order to improve the skills of using combat techniques by police officers, a well-planned and structured training program is necessary. Thus, in order to form a stable skill of continuous demonstration of fighting techniques, which is the technical basis for their implementation, it is necessary to introduce methods and forms of integrated training into the training process, the most adapted of which is the situational approach. The advantages of using situational learning are the development of each situation with the consolidation of the theory and practice of making a decision on it. Solutions can be non-standard and follow from a given goal. This method allows students to develop analytical skills, evaluate the alternative, choose the best option, draw up a plan according to it and act according to planned tasks. Repeated application of this method in the learning process contributes to the development of a stable skill of the internal affairs officer in solving multi component tasks, the structure of which is made up of both general and particular problems.




Islam Meshev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Cand.Sci.(Pedagogics), police major, Deputy Head of the Physical Training Department Nalchik, Russia


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