Counterterrorism: Conflicts in the Legal Minimization of Consequences




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The purpose of the article is to conceptually analyze the approaches in the Russian anti-terrorist legislation to minimizing the consequences of terrorist attacks and other manifestations of terrorism and to theoretically substantiate the author’s legal concept of a counter-terrorist operation. As a result of the study, a conflict in the legislation between the limited content of the legal concept and other norms of Russian legislation on countering terrorism was revealed. Theoretically substantiated and argued the need to amend the legislative definition of a counter-terrorist operation to eliminate uncertainty in the law in terms of expanding the conditions for conducting activities to minimize the consequences.




Alexander Metelkov

Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia


Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate professor of the Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies Department

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg


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