Deprivation of Right to Occupy Determined Posts or Engage in Determined Activity as the Type of Criminal Punishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan




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To problem of legislative regulation and enforcement of supplementary punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to occupy determined posts or to engage in a determined activity is devoted article by criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On basis of comparison provisions Criminal Codes of Kazakhstan (1997 and 2014) are showed advantages of regulation of this view punishment by current law. Peculiarities of assignment this punishment is revealed. Examples of judicial practice are considered, which confirm and demonstration topical questions of enforcement and further of develop is pointed out criminal punishment. Comparison legal status of national and foreign legislation is made. Innovations after tougher penalties are considered. Recommendation by removing gaps and lacks of norm regulating of execution criminal punishment of deprivation of the right to occupy determined posts or to engage in a determined activity are giving in the article. The measures on improving effective of enforcement such criminal punishments as deprivation of right to occupy determined posts or engage in determined activity are also considered in this article.




Mussali Nuradel

LLP «Salvare»


Cand. Sci.(Law), adviser of law company on criminal law questions

哈萨克斯坦, Astana


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