Modern Model of Interaction of Criminal Executive Inspections with Internal Affairs Bodies




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Modern society faces many problems related to crime and violation of laws. In this regard, an important area of government activity is the fight against crime and its prevention. One of the tools to combat crime is alternative imprisonment, which can be imposed instead of imprisonment. Such alternative measures include community service, probation, electronic house arrest and others. However, for these measures to be effective, it is necessary to ensure their proper organization and control. In this regard, the interaction between the criminal executive inspections and the internal affairs bodies is important. This will ensure monitoring of compliance with the conditions of alternative measures, as well as timely response to violations.




Maxim Tarasov

Academy of State Fire Fighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia; Academy of Civil Defence of EMERCOM of Russia


Dr.Sci.(Law), Professor of the Department of Supervisory Activities, Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines

俄罗斯联邦, Москва; Химки

Andrey Fedorov

Academy of Civil Defence of EMERCOM of Russia


Cand.Sci.(Law), Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Humanitarian Faculty; Academy of Civil Defence of the

俄罗斯联邦, Khimkin

Nikolay Vechkaev

Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Organisation of Operative and Investigative Activities

俄罗斯联邦, Рязань


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