Pension Provision in Territories with a Special Climate: Problems of Theory and Practice




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The purpose of the research. To identify current problems of legal regulation of social security legal relations in the field of pension provision for citizens working and living in special natural and climatic conditions, to formulate proposals aimed at improving the Russian pension system.

Procedure and methods. The study used general scientific (analysis and synthesis) and specific scientific (historical, formal legal and comparative legal) methods of understanding legal reality.

Results. Based on a detailed study of theoretical and practical problems of pension provision for citizens living in special climatic conditions, proposals were formulated aimed at the need to distinguish between «insurance service» and «northern service», which underlie the establishment of northern pensions, as well as a fair assessment «northern experience» when assigning such pensions.

Theoretical and/or practical significance. The conclusions drawn during the study can be used to modernize Russian legislation on pension provision, as well as to prevent possible conflicts in the legal regulation of social security legal relations.




Natalia Antonova

Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Scopus 作者 ID: 811585
Researcher ID: F-6936-2019

Cand.Sci.(Law), Executive Secretary of the Legal Science Commission of the AJUR, Senior Researcher Department of social legislation; Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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