卷 13, 编号 4 (2015)



Kuchukov V., Chervyakov N.


This work presents an effective implementation of sharpen filter based on Laplace operator on the field programmable gate array (FPGA) by using residue number system (RNS). We demonstrated that using of approximate method for performing RNS complex operations gives much productivity gain. A special coefficient was used to implement real numbers, which provides a recovering process of positional characteristic to be correct. We researched coefficient ranging for filter implementation, and used set of modules {15,16,31}, that is sufficient for the hardware implementation of digital image processing. We applied FIFO structure with dimension 2N + 2M-3 to implement the filter for sharpening image with resolution MxN, and proved sufficiency of this number. By simulting with FPGA Xilinx Kintex 7 XC7K70T we have got a number of used slices and circuit maximum operating frequency for images with resolutions of 64×64, 128×128, 256×256, 375×375, 512×512.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):361-365
pages 361-365 views


Shevchenko V., Chipiga A., Pashintsev V., Toporkov K.


We present block scheme of complex that provides real-time prediction of satellite communication noise immunity by results of monitoring of mean square small-scale nonhomogeneities deviation of total electron content of ionosphere. Here the output of dual-frequency receiver NovAtel GPStation-6 of satellite radio-navigation system is monitored. According to measured results, we found that regions with unacceptable mean square nonhomogeneities deviation of total electron content are able in mean latitude. Mentioned deviations can lead to great scintillation of receiving signals and unacceptable noise immunity reducing of satellite communication during the 13 minutes. These results can be used for satellite communication system frequency and time parameters adaptation to variations of radio wave transionospheric propagation conditions for noise immunity improvement under ionosphere perturbations like small-scale nonhomogeneities deviation of total electron content
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):365-375
pages 365-375 views


Surovtsev R., Kuksenko S., Gazizov T.


This work considers a set of problems concerned on multiple computations of systems of linear algebraic equations by using block LU-decomposition. We found out matrix specificity, which can be used for mentioned purpose, and analyzed a role or new iteration renumbering that provides much to improve solution efficiency and to increase range of analyzed structures under low computing cost. We improved algorithm for computing set of capacitance matrixes of conductor and dielectric system and derived analytical expressions for evaluation of arithmetic cost. These expressions provide to perform a-priory estimation of block LU-decomposition using. We produced analytical and computational estimations of speedup of the algorithm depending on different parameters. The maximal estimated value of speedup is 23 times.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):375-384
pages 375-384 views

Software for signal correction in frequency domain by using the fast Fourier transform

Italyantseva M., Nikolaev B.


In this work we described and compared a few algorithms for signal correction based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and signal correction in frequency domain that was performed by computer techniques and statistical simulation methods. By taking into account two different approaches for packet assembly, we analyzed two different methods for signal correction. First, was nullification method, and second was mean square fault minimization method. The first approach applies passive guard interval, while the second is based on using cyclic prefix. Both methods were realized by software for simulation of wireless channel with required parameters. We present results of researches of signal noise immunity under following conditions: transmission over single-beam channel, transmission over dual-beam channels without both correction, correction based on mean square fault minimization, and correction based on nullification algorithm with unequal beam ratios in noisy channel. We obtained bit-error relations on signal-to-noise ratio under different channel conditions, and present conclusions based on these results.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):384-391
pages 384-391 views

Application of wavelets and Hermiteans for simulation of ultra-wideband pulses satisfying to requirements of State Committee of Radio Frequencies

Kislinskiy V., Grakhova E., Abdrakhmanova G.


This work is concerned on research of potentialities of Hermiteans and wavelets using for design of pulse with spectral density, which satisfies to spectral mask approved by State Committee of Radio Frequencies for indoor ultra-wideband device emission level. We defined a problem of pulse form optimization and researched two classes of functions. First, is based on Hermit polynomials, while the second is based on B-wavelet frequency spline. We researched pulse form dependence on parameters, function order, and performed pulse simulation. The mask utilization coefficient was used as criterion for comparison of simulated and known pulse forms proposed in other publications listed in reference. We propose to apply these pulse forms for ultra-wideband communication systems due to simple generation and high value of mask utilization coefficient.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):391-398
pages 391-398 views

Algorithms and software tool for building equivalent representations of source codes

Kovalevskiy A., Pustygin A.


This article describes prototype of software tool for static analysis of software systems based on a special data set. This data set received from the source code of programs using the open source compiler. The prototype provides to obtain equivalent representation by linear and nonlinear transformations of this data set. The user interface is built by data query language, which syntax provides to set arbitrary combinations of available transformations, and additional parameters correspond to the objectives of the analysis. Conversion options are defined by configuration file being an XML-document. The prototype also provides analysis of the obtained equivalent representations. We descried “temperature” analysis of row syntactic overflow and complexity of source code blocks in the context of control flow by way of example. The prototype was tested on open source library for parsing of XML-documents.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):398-404
pages 398-404 views

Method for moving object detection based on adaptive filtration method and Bayes theorem application for changing estimation

Chervyakov N., Tupikin A.


We describe a new video surveillance method for moving objects detection. It combines adaptive filtration method together with algorithm for changing estimation based on Bayes theorem. At first adaptive algorithm localizes margins of moving object, and then algorithm corrects its form by Bayes theorem. In comparison to other approaches, proposed method is robust to noise, shadow, illumination variations and background repeated movements. Here moving detection is performed over adaptive scheme, therefore preliminary information on foreground and background is not need. We developed software based on proposed method and tested it on following situational video streams: street, office, store, fountain that confirmed its effectiveness. Developed method can be used for Internet video surveillance systems and other similar applications.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):404-408
pages 404-408 views

Theoretical and experimental research of packet delays in software defined networks

Malakhov S., Tarasov V., Kartashevsky I.


This work is concerned with determination of packet delays inserted by using OpenFlow protocol in virtual computing cluster performed over software defined network by OpenNebula system with installed Floodlight controller. We experimentally found moment characteristics of packet delays. Based on these values we theoretically determined packet delays in channels both with and without OpenFlow via traffic simulation in the kind of queuing system H2/M/1. According to results, packer delay under using OpenFlow protocol is more 1.5 times then under without it. This fact should be taken into account for heavy load software defined network, while we performed experimental research under light load channels.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):409-413
pages 409-413 views

IP network optimization by software defined networks

Semenov E., Deogenov M., Galich S., Tyukhtyaev D., Pasuk A.


Nowadays IP network optimization is one of the main priorities of service provider, and here Software Defined Networks (SDN) integration together with corporate network infrastructure is a very promising approach. This work is concerned with a problem of ARP protocol using under 2nd layer IP network operation and optimization of those networks by solutions based on SDNs. We demonstrated ability of ARP server integration under particular network infrastructure based on SDN. This ARP server may to reduce risks of ARP message spoofing, and therefore it improves network infrastructure security and fault tolerance. Optimization of broadcast messages mailing also affects to access control and segmentation over one broadcast domain. It is an additional tool for network management. In addition, we considered a positive trend of ARP server using with SDN solutions.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):414-419
pages 414-419 views

Method for verification of e-marketplace model by graph visualization

Agrova K.


This work discusses feasibility of dynamic graph visualization method application for e-marketplace model verification. Introduction is concerned with the main research goals and problems. It describes of experiments for data verification and completeness checking. The main part of the article presents detailed description of procedures for verification the results of market environment computing applied for particular enterprise selected for experiment. Here model verification is correctness of transformation from conceptual model to simulation. According to this research, the conceptual model is description of logic of potential interaction between market agents. This work also presents results of performed experiments confirming that developed model corresponds to conceptual model. Authors conclude that e-marketplace environment is a socioeconomic network. We propose arguments to apply dynamic graph visualization for e-marketplace model verification.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):420-424
pages 420-424 views

Mobile VHB-band SAR for Earth remote sensing

Borisenkov A., Goriachkin O., Dolgopolov V., Zhengurov B., Kurkov I., Kalimullin R., Movchan V., Khokhlov S.


В статье представлены результаты разработки мобильного радиолокационного комплекса с синтезированной апертурой УКВ (ОВЧ) диапазона для дистанционного зондирования Земли (ДЗЗ) с высоким пространственным разрешением (3-5 метров). Комплекс предназначен для размещения на борту летательных аппаратов малой авиации, автомобильном транспорте, объектах наземной инфраструктуры. Конструкция МРЛК обеспечивает легкую трансформацию из моностатической в бистатическую конфигурацию съемки.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):424-432
pages 424-432 views

This work is concerned on description of the concept of distributed wireless networks based on Radio-over-Fiber technology, which is integration of wireless and fiber optic networks. The concept of RoF means to transport data over optical fibers by modulating lightwave with radio frequency signal or at the intermediate frequency/baseband. That provides to take advantage of the low loss and large bandwidth of an optical fiber together with immunity to electromagnetic influence, flexibility and transparence. A brief overview of key RoF techniques as well as comparative analysis is presented

Naryshkin M.


В работе рассматривается концепция построения распределенной сети радиосвязи на базе технологии Radio-over-Fiber. Представлен обзор и классификация систем передачи радиосигналов по волоконно-эфирной структуре, методы их реализации. Рассмотрены типовые структурные схемы построения таких систем, их основные компоненты.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):432-439
pages 432-439 views

Design of HF-band radio frequency lines based on MIMO technology

Ogloblin A.


This work is concerned with design of HF-band radio frequency lines based on MIMO technology (Multiple Input - Multiple Output). We proposed algorithm for design including following stages: analyzing of types and location conditions of radio stations; selection of MIMO types and multiplicity ratio; selection of antenna system types; adjustment of technical requirements to equipment; fitting and/or development of equipment components. By using proposed algorithm, we synthesized MIMO system 6x6 based on two triple-orthogonal antenna elements for application in the field quickly installed HF-band radio frequency communication systems, described its technical specification, analyzed maximal bandwidth, concluded on ability of its application in HF-band radio frequency communication system.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):440-446
pages 440-446 views

Extracting of high quality biometric parameters from stationary image of handwritten signal

Kachaykin E., Kulikov S.


This work describes extracting of high quality biometric parameters from stationary image of handwritten signal. At first step, we perform binarization of initial handwritten signal images by Gabor filter and then map the pen movement directions. These maps are divided to segments, and pen movement direction histograms are plot for each segment. Those histograms are used as initial data during training of three-layer neural classifier by backpropagation algorithm. We propose to define high quality biometric parameters corresponding to data from the outputs of the neural classifier second layer. These extracted high quality biometric parameters can be used for training of neural transformer biometry-code according to methods described in the GOST R 52633.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):446-450
pages 446-450 views

Estimation of financial costs for information protection tools development by decision support system

Zhuk A., Osipov D., Gavrishev A.


This article examines decision support systems focused on information protection. It is found that many of known systems either are without subsystems for computing of financial costs for information protection tools development or their mathematical tools require great computing resources. We developed method for estimation of financial costs for information protection tools development including security technical systems by taking into account their specific features. Proposed method is based on the game theory mathematical tool. Based on developed method we designed structure of decision support system, which provides recommendations to manager according to results of preformed estimation of information protection tools including security technical systems. While the estimation is based on financial cost minimization criterion under known cost of protected information.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):451-457
pages 451-457 views

Electromagnetic radiation safety of portable computer devices

Maslov O., Panferov D.


This work presents method for electromagnetic radiation level determination generated by portable computer devices like Notebook. We demonstrated results of experimental measurements performed for the following devices: Notebook Lenovo 15 Inch.; Notebook Samsung 17 Inch. with printer HP LaserJet 1200; Notebook Lenovo 10 Inch.; tablet iPad Apple 10 Inch. on distances 0.5 m and 1.0 under different power supply (external power supply net and internal battery) as well as with and without grounded power supply system. We compared measured results with electromagnetic radiation safety standards ratified in Russia. These data can be applied for environmental monitoring and estimation of computer workstation safety concerned with non-ionizing electromagnetic field radiation.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):458-464
pages 458-464 views

Analysis of secret-key algorithm vulnerability in RSA-cryptosystems

Alekseev A.


This work describes results of analysis of public - and private-key generation algorithms in asymmetric RSA-cryptosystems. We demonstrated that RSA-cryptosystem can be compromised not only by large number factorization. Under Euler function value is multiple to 10, there is a probability of occurrence of two same public keys, when formed open exponents end in 1 or 9. 8 lemmas are described and proven with theoretical justification of same public keys occurrence. It is recommended to produce a complete test on full match of public- and private-key during key generation to improve vulnerability protection of cryptosystem.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):464-467
pages 464-467 views

Comparison of classification algorithms C4.5 and C5.0

Palmov S., Miftakhova A.


This work compares features of tree decision algorithms C4.5 and C5.0, which are the most effective data mining classification tool. We considered two software tools: analytics platform Deductor and system See5. Three data sets were tested to improve comparative analysis accuracy. First is conventional Fisher’s iris data set, second contains information about US Congress deputy votes (distribution Deductor), and third includes information about applicants of the one of Russian Federation universities. According to test results, C5.0 builds more compact decision trees, but its operation speed is almost the same to C4.5 under reducing of classification model validity. However, we do not preclude that these results can be explained by using of See5 system demo version that provides only files processing with no more 400 entries.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):467-471
pages 467-471 views

Organization aspects of method for development of company project package via multi-criterion analytical system

Lachugin A., Matveeva E.


This work deals with organization aspects of method for development of research and development company project package that is performed by decision making support system. Decision making support system is designed for multi-criterion analysis and following estimation of research and development project at the initial stage during decision making on expediency of project and contracting. The system includes various method attributes of system analysis. The article is focused on functions of business process participants that provides to determine its optimization approach. We proposed a new sequence of project features review and analyzed interaction between structure elements of decision making support system and business process components.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2015;13(4):472-476
pages 472-476 views
