卷 17, 编号 3 (2019)


Threshold MRMA schemes of secret sharing

Kolyada A., Kuchynsky P., Chervyakov N.


The article is devoted to theoretical and applied developments on the problem of mathematical formalization of the threshold modular secret separation method in distributed data processing systems. As a part of the research, a new approach to the implementation of a spatially separated secret masking transformation was proposed. This approach makes it possible to use the minimally redundant modular computational structures of the neural network type in the threshold cryptographic secret sharing scheme. This signifi cantly reduces the realization costs of restoring the secret original by the modular code of the secret mask. The necessary and suffi cient conditions for the correctness of the threshold modular secret separation principle are obtained using the linear pseudo-random mask function.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):261-269
pages 261-269 views

Teletraffic mathematical model based on Erlang and hypererlang distributions

Tarasov V., Bakhareva N., Kada O.


This article presents the results of 22 / /1HE E queuing system studies with Hyper-Erlang and Erlang second-order input distributions. By Kendall’s defi nition, these systems belong to G/G/1 class with arbitrary distribution laws of input fl ow intervals and service time. In the queueing theory, the study of such systems is particularly relevant due to the fact that it is still not impossible to fi nd a solution for the average waiting time in a queue in the fi nal form. Higher-order Erlang and hyper-Erlang distributions are diffi cult to consider since they cause an increase in computational complexity when deriving a solution for the average waiting time. For the considered second-order distributions, the classical spectral decomposition method of solving the Lindley integral equation for G/G/1 systems allows obtaining a solution in closed form. The article presents the obtained spectral decomposition of the Lindley integral equation solution for the system in question and the formula for the average waiting time in the queue. The adequacy of the obtained results is confi rmed by the correctness of using the classical spectral decomposition method and the results of numerical simulation. The 22 / /1HE E system is applicable when the arrival intervals variation coeffi cient is greater than or equal to 1/ 2 and the service time variation coeffi cient is equal to 1/ 2. For practical application of the results obtained, the method of moments from probability theory is used. The results of Mathcad numerical simulation unequivocally confi rm that the average waiting time is related to the arrival intervals variation coeffi cient and the service time variation coeffi cient by a quadratic dependence.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):270-275
pages 270-275 views

Selfl ike traffi c of multiservice communication networks: myths and reality

Likhttcinder B.


The article considers the possibilities of using self-similar process models for traffi c service systems analysis in multiservice communication networks. The queuing system analytical models are widely used when studying communication network traffi c. However, it is impossible to apply the Poisson fl ow models for the analytical study of modern multi-service packet-switched net-works. Requests in such networks are strongly correlated, and even non-Poisson request interval probability distributions lead to signifi cant errors when analyzing queues if their correlation prop-erties are not accounted for. Furthermore, self-similar processes that refl ect long-term correlation dependencies in the multiservice network traffi c cannot be used for a network traffi c analysis due to the complexity of the model.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):276-282
pages 276-282 views

Features of modelling of the information exchange in STI with report Х.25 on the basis absorbing fi nal markovsky chains and its appendix

Tsimbal V., Shimanov S., Potapov S., Toiskin V., Lyagin M.


The probabilistic-temporal characteristics of multi-packet message delivery over a logical point-topoint channel in a data transmission system with decision feedback are presented. The information exchange procedure between the data transmission equipment is determined by the X.25 protocol. The problem of analyzing the timeliness and reliability of multi-packet messaging in a data transmission system, as well as X.25 protocol key parameter synthesis, which ensures a given information delivery quality, is solved. To accomplish this, mathematical models of the multi-packet message delivery process in the considered data transmission system are constructed taking into account all system parameters of the logical data transmission channel based on absorbing fi nite Markov chains. These models serve as the basis for solving analysis and synthesis problems. On the basis of absorbing fi nite Markov chains, a scientifi c and methodological apparatus is presented that adequately describes the multi-packet messages delivery process in the considered X.25 data transmission system, while situational-bipartite graphs and invariant graphs are used. The developed approach allows us to fi nd the maximum allowable number of retries for each packet while taking into account the client’s requirements regarding the reliability and timeliness of the information delivery.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):282-293
pages 282-293 views


Linets G., Mochalov V., Govorova S., Voronkin R.


A simulation model of self-similar packet fl ow asynchronous conversion in switching nodes has been developed. When developing a simulation model, the producer-consumer pattern with a queue of limited size was used. To convert self-similar traffi c in switching nodes, the asynchronous programming method was used. In contrast to the well-known works, a simulation model of selfsimilar traffi c asynchronous conversion in switching nodes using a queue was introduced for the fi rst time, which takes into account the limited amount of buff er memory when servicing a self-similar packet stream. The proposed simulation model allows us to determine: the eff ect of buff er size on network performance, the amount of packet loss depending on the size of the queue, the eff ect of queue size on the number of processed packets, the time dependence of the number of lost packets for diff erent Hurst indices.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):293-303
pages 293-303 views

Digital network channel capacity research

Shatov L.


The relevance of this article is confi rmed by the ever-increasing role of digital information networks worldwide. The most important (and sometimes determining) characteristic for organizing the information exchange is the digital channel capacity. Signifi cant advances in technology have been marked by the emergence of the abovementioned communication channels. The eff ectiveness of the digital network design and operation is achieved through the use of mathematical algorithms, the development of which is phased and has its own specifi c features. The issues of theoretical change in data transmission network capacity are widely considered in the scientifi c literature. Practical methods and tools for studying the data transmission network capacity use the terminology for the development, implementation, manufacturing, construction, and operation of digital communication networks.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):303-307
pages 303-307 views

Analytical model of distributed computing

Mochalov V., Linets G., Bratchenko N., Govorova S.


The major problems of the distributed computing technology development come from the interaction between software components spread over the network applications. The paper presents formal approaches to solve software components integration problem using Common Object Request Broker (CORBA) specifi cation. It introduces a system of functional models that allows us to study the interaction algorithms of the distributed system elements and make informed decisions about their planning. The article shows that the algorithm of software components distribution between the system’s processor modules can be based on a recurrent method of calculating the mutual data exchange frequency. The algorithm to distribute the minimum processing intervals of parallel executed requests is based on the forced suspension method. It identifi es the blocking states of processes and fi nds new implementation directions. The overhead reduction, determined by the methods of data exchange between distributed system elements, is ensured by the fragmentation of the whole set of system modules into disjoint areas. At the same time, network elements with the highest mutual exchange frequencies are included in each of the system fragments. The numerical results for the study were obtained with the standard tools of the Mathematica software package.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):307-313
pages 307-313 views

«Construction of prefabricated buildings»: business process simulation. Part 3. Algorithmization of quasi-optimal business process control based on simulation results

Dimov E., Kuleva N., Ganenko O., Titenko E.


The third and fi nal part of the article is devoted to the main stage of the business process simulation - software implementation and a series of quasi-optimal control experiments. The essence of quasioptimization is to fi nd a non-rigorous optimal solution, which is the best for the given conditions, according to the expert. The prefabricated buildings construction rate was considered as a business process target value. This value is calculated as a percentage of completed requests relative to the total number of requests received in a given time. The quasi-optimal solution search is carried out by sequentially changing the parameters of random variables selected by expert evaluation and comparing the corresponding target values. The quasi-optimization criterion is to fi nd random variables parameter values that correspond to the maximum target value. The article provides a detailed algorithm for working with a simulation model, as well as an example of its application in the business process studied.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):313-324
pages 313-324 views

Video signal recovery in measuring systems with optical triangulation sensors

Diyazitdinov R.


The article considers the problem of video signal recovery by optical triangulation sensors. A video signal is a contour (sequence of points) on a plane. Due to the surface properties of the measured object, individual points of the object contour are not always recorded. Video signal recovery is based on the assumption that the object’s shape measured in short time intervals does not change signifi cantly. In this case, unregistered contour points can be restored from neighboring measurements. The recovery problem is solved by joining several superimposed contours. The contours are aligned along the segments of their lines and circles defi ned on the contour. The recovery algorithm was tested as part of the measuring system.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):324-331
pages 324-331 views

Implementation of multi-frequency multiple-pass antenna systems design methodology for linear radio centers of professional mobile radio networks

Doroschenko I.


Based on the analysis of the requirements for modern mobile radio networks, the design method was developed for designing multi-frequency multiple-pass antenna systems for linear radio centers. The design method includes the choice of implementation options, design of a radiating system, development of a beamforming scheme and a matching device. An antenna system has been designed using this method. The aforementioned antenna consists of two circular antenna array tiers with antenna elements of the type of a log-periodic antenna synthesized for diff erent subbands. Experimental studies of multi-frequency emitters for multi-pass antenna systems of linear radio centers were performed. The obtained results of experimental studies lead to the conclusion that characteristics of the antenna array designed using the presented method correspond to the specifi ed technical requirements, which, in turn, indicates the effi ciency of the method for multi-frequency multi-input antenna systems design.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):331-336
pages 331-336 views

Mathematical models for radio channel usage evaluation when transmitting real-time fl ows through wireless self-organizing networks

Polshchykov K., Lazarev S., Kiseleva E., Kiselev V.


The wireless self-organizing network eff ectiveness is considered in terms of radio channel utilization. The uneven receipt of real-time streaming requests to the network leads to ineffi cient radio channel usage, which in turn leads to a decrease in the streaming quality over the network. To increase radio channel utilization, it is proposed to use buff ering for smoothing the incoming audio and video transmission requests fl ow. In the article, the defi nition of the radio channel utilization rate is given. Mathematical models are presented for assessing radio channel utilization when transmitting realtime streams in a wireless self-organizing network. The results of computational experiments on estimating the radio channel average performance with and without buff ering are shown. The fi ndings prove that it is possible to signifi cantly increase radio channel utilization by using the real-time streams transmission requests buff ering.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):336-341
pages 336-341 views

Augmented reality: the orifi cal principles, new opportunities and security threats

Maslov O.


The paper discusses relationships between augmented reality and components of technicalorganizational complex system corporate security within the digital economy framework. Corporate security is divided into four components: economic, physical, consumer and operational, among which information and content security of the services provided to the population are distinguished. The «human factor» is an integral attribute of such a system. It includes personnel, customers, partners, and corporation’s competitors. The specifics of the corporate business performance analysis using statistical simulation are considered, taking into account verified and axiological knowledge of decision-makers in the field of AR. The differences are shown between the objective and subjective ontological approaches to the business development project’s expected utility analysis when augmented reality is involved. The important external and internal corporate security threats during the intensive formation period of the digital economy are considered.
Infokommunikacionnye tehnologii. 2019;17(3):342-354
pages 342-354 views
