Clinical case of portal vein thrombosis in patient with hepatic cirrhosis

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The article presents a clinical case of portal vein thrombosis against the background of liver cirrhosis with signs of significant decompensation of liver function and portal hypertension. The feature of the case is that portal vein thrombosis was revealed in patient with alcoholic liver disease (cirrhotic stage), with inefficiency of standard treatment. The cessation of anti-inflammatory therapy and the appointment of anticoagulants allowed to stabilize the patient’s condition. Clinical experience has shown it is necessary to perform dopplerography of the portal vein to exclude its thrombosis against the background hepatic cirrhosis, especially in the case of rapid decompensation of the disease.

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About the authors

T. V Ermolova

North-Western State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov of RMH

Email: t.v.ermolova@mail.iu
PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Faculty Therapy

E. G Bykova

North-Western State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov of RMH

B. N Kotiv

Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov

A. L Petrov

City Multi-Field Hospital № 2, St. Petersburg

A. O Nesterko

City Multi-Field Hospital № 2, St. Petersburg


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