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No 2 (2018)



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Pharmateca. 2018;(2):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Rationality for the use of essential phospholipids in the treatment of NAFLD

Tsukanov V.V., Vasyutin A.V., Tonkikh Y.L.


Analysis of current international and domestic recommendations allows to conclude that the leading non-medicinal methods for treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease include the use of a low-calorie diet with a sufficient content of polyunsaturated fats and graduated exercise to reduce body weight. Among the drugs, leading positions belong to insulin sensitizers, essential phospholipids (Essentiale Forte N) and antioxidants (vitamin E).
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):8-12
pages 8-12 views

Overlap syndrome of functional dispepsia and irritable bowel syndrome: up-to-date state of the problem

Samsonov A.A., Semenova A.V., Andreyev D.N., Goncharenko A.Y., Lobanova E.G., Kuznetsova E.I.


The review article presents data on the current state of the problem of the overlap syndrome of functional dyspepsia and other functional gastrointestinal disorders; issues of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Tsukanov V.V., Vasyutin A.V., Tonkikh Y.L.


Analysis of current data suggests that lifestyle modification and weight reduction are the first line of therapy of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). For the treatment of NAFLD, it is recommended to reduce the caloric content of the diet (decrease by 500-1000 kcal per day in comparison with the usual regimen), to increase the number of products containing ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (seafood) in the ration, and decrease the proportion of refined carbohydrates; systematic mid-intensity physical exercises and overall increase in physical activity, body weight reduction by 7-10% of the initial values in case of overweight are also recommended. The change in behavioral stereotypes that should contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle is of fundamental importance.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):18-21
pages 18-21 views

What does pediatrician need to know about diagnosis and treatment of infectious diarrhea

Zakharova I.N., Berezhnaya I.V., Sugyan N.G.


The development of an infectious disease in a child is the most frequent reason for contacting a pediatrician. According to Rospotrebnadzor, there is a clear tendency to increase the incidence of diarrheal diseases by about 6-7% per year, which amounts 470-530 thousand cases in children in the Russian Federation. According to the results of Russian pharmaco-epidemiologic studies, it is shown that 72-100% of hospitalized children with diarrheal syndrome were prescribed antibiotics at once. Chloramphenicol, inhibitor-protected penicillins, rifampin, III generation cephalosporins are most widely used in hospitals, and 2/3 of patients have no indications for their prescription. The international guidelines, the terms «diarrhea», «diarrheal syndrome» and «acute gastroenteritis» are often used interchangeably, because in acute intestinal infections vomiting occurs in parallel with diarrhea. Since 2014, ESPGHAN Consensus (2014 with Amendments 2015) on management of acute gastroenteritis in children has been using in Russia. The article reviews recommendations of international and Russian experts on the therapy of diarrheal diseases in children from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Medicine of the new era: personalized approach in nutritiology

Kostyuchenko L.N.


The purpose of the work is to highlight the notion of personalized nutritiology, to present an individualized approach to the correction of nutritional disorders and the selection of programs for the treatment of diseases using nutrients, and to give a brief overview - timeline of the main events in nutritional science. The literature data, as well as the results of authors’ own observations on nutritional status assessment, the role of microbiota in the personalization of nutritional support, the principles of creating individualized programs for the correction of metabolic disorders were used in the work. Characterization of nutritional insufficiency was carried out in accordance with known alimentary-volemic parameters. Personalized nutritional science is a new scientific area with two main strategic directions: industrial-technological and medical-technological. At present, there are already some programs of personalized alimentation for correction of metabolic disorders in various diseases, and prospects for creating new medical technologies and technologies for creating corrective food products are designed.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):27-35
pages 27-35 views

Functional gastrointestinal disorders in children: aspects of diagnosis and treatment

Kildiyarova R.R., Gurov M.M.


The purpose of this review - to provide a classification of functional gastrointestinal disorders in children considering Roman criteria IV, their prevalence, consequences, general pathogenetic mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment principles. Materials and Methods. Analysis of the literature data on the epidemiology of this category of diseases in children; classification according to the international classification of diseases; treatment taking into account modern views on the pathogenesis and actual possibilities of drug therapy. Conclusions. From the positions of the biopsychosocial model in the development of functional disorders, the role of disorders of muconasal homeostasis and microbial contamination is recognized. Taking into account the algorithmic approach to diagnostics, the role of pre- and probiotic drugs (synbiotics) in formation of an effective barrier microbiota of the intestine is shown; they helps to reduce the characteristic clinical manifestations, such as diarrhea or constipation, flatulence, and abdominal pain.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):36-41
pages 36-41 views

Place of probiotic food in the nutrition of children of the first year of life

Safronova A.I., Pyryeva E.A.


The article deals with the issues of use of fermented milk products as complementary foods in children of the first year of life. Data on new types of complementary dairy products containing probiotic microorganisms and the possibility of their use in children of the first year of life are given. The results of clinical studies of products containing probiotics L. rhamnosus GG, BB12, and acidophilous bacterium in children are presented.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):42-47
pages 42-47 views

Personified approach to nutritional support of patients with undernutrition and overnutrition

Khoroshilov I.E.


Clinical nutrition and nutritional support have recently been included in the number of areas of practical medicine. Clinical nutrition is an applied medical discipline dealing with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of both inadequate and excessive nutrition. Nutritional support includes the complex of measures aimed at preventing and treating undernurition with the use of enteral and parenteral nutrition. There are such types of undernutrition as acute wasting, chronic wasting, sarcopenia, and cachexia. A personalized approach to nutritional support for patients with these disorders involves the appointment of nutritional mixtures and targeted metabolic drugs.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):48-52
pages 48-52 views

Blood flow and pathology of the gastroduodenal mucosa in patients with combination of chronic pancreatitis and gastroesophageal reflux disease: results of a comparative study

Gorban V.V., Korochanskaya N.V., Gorban E.V.


Purpose. Assessment of regional blood flow in the mucous membrane (MM) of the body, antral part of the stomach, and duodenum in patients with a combination of chronic pancreatitis (CP) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), depending on gastroduodenal motor activity, morphological changes in gastroduodenal MM and patient’s age. Material and Methods. The study included 41 patients (27 males and 14 females) aged 20 to 64 years with CP in combination with GERD, and 25 healthy controls (15 males and 10 females) aged 22 to 46 years. All patients underwent assessment of exocrine and endocrine functions of the pancreas, esophagogastroduodenoscopy with body biopsy of the MM of the body, antral part of the stomach and duodenal bulb. Morphological state of MM was assessed in sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The gastroduodenal mucosal blood flow velocity was measured by the polarographic method. Comparative assessment of gastroduodenal mucosal blood flow and gastroduodenal motility was conducted in 23 patients. Results. Analysis of the histological findings of patients with a combination of CP and GERD compared with control group has revealed a significant predominance of lymphoplasmocytic infiltration, gastric metaplasia and glandular atrophy in duodenal MM, as well as a significant decrease in villous height, especially in persons over 50 years of age. Morphological changes in the MM of the duodenal bulb in patients were accompanied by a significant decrease in the blood flow velocity (by 26.2%) compared to persons with unchanged MM. There was also a significant increase in the mucosal blood flow velocity (by 1.5-1.7 times) in the phase of motor activity in comparison with the phase of motor resting in all patients in all parts of gastroduodenal MM. Conclusion. These data indicate that in patients with CP in combination with GERD or NERD histological changes in gastroduodenal MM were accompanied by a decrease in the mucosal blood flow velocity associated with glandular atrophy of the body and antrum of the stomach, more pronounced in patients older than 50 years, in comparison with healthy controls. Also, the possibility of electrochemical registration of gastroduodenal motor activity by the character of polarographic curves of hydrogen clearance reflecting the mucosal blood flow velocity is confirmed. The observed cohe-rent changes in gastroduodenal motor activity and the mucosal blood flow velocity reasonably suggest their associated drug correction.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Evaluation of paradontal microbiome in patients with functional dyspepsia

Aivazova R.A., Kuliyeva A.K., Samsonov A.A., Shevelev A.B.


Purpose of this study was the evaluation of the role of antagonistic relationships between the components of periodontal microbioce-nosis, aimed at finding potential parodontoprotectors, as well as assessing the effect of functional dyspepsia (FD) on its composition. Material and Methods. According to real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR-RV), sample data from 155 patients with or without parodontal pathology and dyspeptic syndrome were analyzed. Parallel measurement of the representation of periodontopathogens and periodontoprotectors in the microbiota allows to achieve the greatest effectiveness in the diagnosis of periodontitis. Tanerella forsythia, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola species have the most significant correlation with the severity of chronic periodontitis in patients with FD. Statistically significant gender differences in the content of parodontopathogenic bacteria and potential parodontoprotectors in soft calcular deposit of diseased and healthy people are shown for the first time. Conclusions. The approach described in the article can be used to determine the cause of periodontitis in patients with FD, the risk of concomitant pathology in the future and the effectiveness of its treatment. The complex of additional methods of examination of patients with FD should include examination of the oral cavity and microflora of periodontal pockets using methods of molecular diagnostics, because the constant presence of parodontopathogens in periodontal tissues can significantly worsen the quality of life of patients with combined pathology.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Pseudomembranous colitis: risk factors, clinical picture, treatment

Potapova T.V., Ermolenko K.D., Lioznov D.A.


Purpose of the study. Analysis of modern aspects of the clinical and laboratory course of pseudomembranous colitis (PMC), and the determination of the optimal treatment regimens for this disease. Material and Methods. Using continuous sampling method, 122 patients with PMC aged 18 to 96 years, including 35 (28.7%) men and 87 (71.3%) women, were enrolled in study. Results. During an endoscopic examination, a typical macroscopic picture was revealed in all patients: whitish-yellowish pseudomembranous plaques were found throughout the distal sections of the mucous membrane of the colon. Development of PMC was most often preceded by courses of antibacterial drugs from groups of fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins. As etiotropic drugs in the complex therapy of PMC, metronidazole and vancomycin were used. Conclusions. PMC is a variant of the severe course of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD). For effective treatment of PMC, complex therapy is needed, including etiotropic agents, probiotic drugs and pathogenetic agents. Colonoscopy in patients with AAD can significantly increase the frequency of detection of severe forms of this condition and timely adjust the drug therapy.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Efficiency of different schemes of antihelicbacter therapy in patients with chronic gastroduodenal diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Fedorchenko Y.L., Martynyuk M.V.


Purpose. Evaluation of the effectiveness of different antihelicobacter therapy schemes for patients with chronic gastroduodenal di-seases (CGDD) in combination with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Material and Methods. An open comparative randomized study included 138 patients with CGDD and DM2. Patients were divided into 4 groups, depending on the type of scheme of eradication therapy of Helicobacter pylori. Results. The classical 10-day triple therapy (TT) has shown a lowest efficiency - 68.7%. Optimization of the TT scheme with the replacement of omeprazole by rabeprazole and prolongation of treatment up to 14 days made it possible to achieve 80.6% eradication of the pathogen. The addition of bismuth and probiotic preparations to the optimized TT scheme increased its efficiency to 94.1%. Additional appointment of metronidazole and probiotic within the optimized TT (enhanced combination therapy) allowed to achieve the best result of eradication - 97.2%. The regimens of treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection with addition of bismuth preparation and/or probiotic were found to be safe from the perspective of development of adverse effects. Conclusions. For patients with a combination of CGDD and DM2 infected with H. pylori, the most effective regimens of eradication therapy include enhanced optimized triple therapy (rabeprazole 20 mg twice a day, clarithromycin 1 g/day, amoxicillin 2 g/day) and enhanced combination therapy (rabeprazole 20 mg twice a day, clarithromycin 1 g/day, amoxicillin 2 g /day, metronidazole 1500 mg/day, S. boulardii 500 mg twice a day). These schemes proved to be the most effective from the standpoint of achieving clinical and endoscopic remission, and also the safest in terms of adverse effects arising during the eradication of H. pylori, in comparison with the classic regimens of treatment.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):69-73
pages 69-73 views

Possibilities of some probiotic strains in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in vitro and in vivo

Suvorov A.N., Baryshnikova N.V., Svarval A.V., Nijazov R.M.


Purpose: to evaluate the antihelicobacter action of some probiotics in vitro and in vivo. Material and Methods. 3 probiotics were used: 1st - Enterococcus faecium strain L-3, 2nd - Bacillus subtilis, 3rd - combination of Bifidobacterium longum and Enterococcus faecium. In vitro, the growth of 14 strains of H. pylori against the background of the addition of probiotics was evaluated. Probiotic probes were diluted in distilled water in a ratio of 1:100 and then added to an agar plate, on which the H. pylori strain was plated. Analysis for growth was carried out on the 6-7th day. Fifty-five patients with H. pylori-associated chronic gastritis were divided into 3 groups: 1st group received B. subtilis; 2nd - E. faecium, 3rd - standard triple eradication therapy (omeprazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin for 7 days). Results. Inhibition of H. pylori growth occurred in 50% of cases on contact with a B. subtilis-based probiotics, in 78.6% of cases on contact with Enterococcus faecium strain L-3, and in 64% of cases on contact with a combination of B. longum and E. faecium. Eradication efficacy (in vivo) was 39%, 41 and 60% in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups, respectively. Conclusions. The results obtained can be explained by the direct antagonistic action of probiotics against H. pylori, possibly due to the production of bacteriocins. This hypothesis needs further in-depth study.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Enterosorption in the treatment of duodenal ulcer in children in the settings of Helicobacter pylori infection and Candida colonization

Malanicheva T.G., Ziatdinova N.V.


Purpose of the study. To study the clinical endoscopic effectiveness of Enterosgel as a part of the standard treatment of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) - positive peptic duodenal ulcer (PDU) associated with fungi of the genus Candida in children. Material and methods. The prospective, controlled, randomized, open, single-site study included 55 children aged from 7 to 18 years with Hp-positive PDU associated with Candida fungi. Of them, 30 patients (the main group) received Enterosgel in an age-appropriate dose for 14 days in addition to standard therapy. In the comparison group, 25 children were subjected exclusively to the standard therapy. Results of the study. In the main group, where patients received Enterosgel additionally to the standard therapy, the overall therapeutic effect was 87% versus 72% in the comparison group. Besides, exacerbations were less severe and their duration was reduced by 28% with complete endoscopic remission on the background of negative results of culture mycological examination of the biopsy specimens of the mucous membrane of the duodenum, and the level of circulating candidiasis antibodies was decreased to trace amounts. Conclusion. The results of the study open up new possibilities for the use of Enterosgel in the treatment of children with Hp-positive PDU associated with fungi of the genus Candida.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):79-82
pages 79-82 views

Clinical case of portal vein thrombosis in patient with hepatic cirrhosis

Ermolova T.V., Bykova E.G., Kotiv B.N., Petrov A.L., Nesterko A.O.


The article presents a clinical case of portal vein thrombosis against the background of liver cirrhosis with signs of significant decompensation of liver function and portal hypertension. The feature of the case is that portal vein thrombosis was revealed in patient with alcoholic liver disease (cirrhotic stage), with inefficiency of standard treatment. The cessation of anti-inflammatory therapy and the appointment of anticoagulants allowed to stabilize the patient’s condition. Clinical experience has shown it is necessary to perform dopplerography of the portal vein to exclude its thrombosis against the background hepatic cirrhosis, especially in the case of rapid decompensation of the disease.
Pharmateca. 2018;(2):83-87
pages 83-87 views

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