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No 15 (2014)


pages 8-9 views

Eozinofil'nyy granulematoz s poliangiitom (Cherga-Strauss): sovremennye vozmozhnosti diagnostiki i lecheniya

Novikov P.I., Zhabina E.S., Fedorov K.E., Moiseev S.V.


Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss syndrome; EGPA) is rare ANCA-associated systemic vasculitis characterized by a combination of bronchial asthma and eosinophilia (> 10 %) with lesions of the peripheral nervous system, skin, heart, and other organs. The literature review considers the variants of EGPA, methods for diagnosis and evaluation of activity of disease, and approaches to the treatment.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):10-18
pages 10-18 views

Vnebol'nichnaya pnevmoniya, «ne otvechayushchaya» na antibakterial'nuyu terapiyu

Sinopal'nikov A.I., Styrt E.A.


The article discusses the problems associated with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) «not responding» to the antibacterial therapy. Information regarding the prevalence, prognosis, reasons of therapeutic inefficiency, risk factors, and tactics of management of patients with CAP is presented.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Osnovy nebulayzernoy terapii

Zaytsev A.A., Kulagina I.T.


This publication discusses the main aspects of the use of nebulizers in the treatment of broncho-obstructive diseases. Currently, appeal of nebulizer therapy for hospitals is obvious, but their potential is not enough implemented in outpatient practice. This provision becomes important due to the expansion of the new line of portable nebulizers models that do not require constant power supply.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Osobennosti vedeniya bol'nykh vnebol'nichnoy pnevmoniey v Respublike Tatarstan

Vizel' A.A., Lysenko G.V.


In the Republic of Tatarstan, a comparative analysis of the provision of medical care to patients with a variety of outcomes of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in hospitals in 2009-2011, as well as analysis of changes in the management of these patients during the period from 1999 to 2011, were performed. It has been found that deaths of patients with CAP in the hospitals of Republic of Tatarstan were associated with the presence of HIV infection, infectious and toxic hepatitis, and previous tuberculosis. After excluding these three factors, increased mortality was associated with extremely critical condition at admission, degradation of lung tissue, II-III degree pulmonary insufficiency, increased neutrophils/leukocytes ratio in peripheral blood, and the use of systemic corticosteroids. Factors improving outcomes of CAP in hospital included more complete examination at outpatient stage, hospitalization in pulmonological department, participation of pulmonologist and head of the department in the treatment process. The results of study indicate a decrease of efficiency of III generation cephalosporins, including in combination with macrolides and II generation fluoroquinolones. It was noted that in the Republic of Tatarstan in the period from 1999 to 2011, the providing of medical care to patients with CAP became as close as possible to the requirements of the federal guidelines.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):31-34
pages 31-34 views

Effektivnost' GeloMirtola® forte v lechenii bol'nykh ostrym rinosinusitom

Ovchinnikov A.Y., Panyakina M.A., Protsenko E.O., Korostelev S.A.


The data on the effectiveness of phytodrugs in acute rhinosinusitis are presented. The pharmacological advantages of myrtol standardized, which has anti-inflammatory, mucoactive, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties, are described. The results of the open controlled study of efficacy and tolerability of the drug containing myrtol standardized, GeloMyrtol® forte, in the treatment of mild acute rhinosinusitis and exacerbation of chronic rhinosinusitis are discussed. These data confirm the practicability of use of GeloMyrtol® forte as monotherapy in mild acute rhinosinusitis.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):35-39
pages 35-39 views

Zamestitel'naya terapiya pri pervichnykh immunodefitsitakh gumoral'nogo zvena

Belan E.B., Panina A.A., Klyausov A.S.


Immunoglobulins for intravenous administration are the main group of drugs for the replacement therapy of diseases accompanied by agammaglobulinemia. In each case, the choice of drug should be determined by clinical indications for its use, data on efficacy and safety, as well as individual patient’s tolerance.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Bronkhial'naya astma pri beremennosti

Fassakhov R.S.


The article discusses current approaches to the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy of bronchial asthma (BA) in pregnant women. The issues of influence of pregnancy on asthma, and the impact of asthma on the course and outcome of pregnancy are considered. It is emphasized that a key factor for normal gestation and safe delivery in pregnant women with asthma is adequate pharmacotherapy aimed at achieving and maintaining the control of the disease.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):45-50
pages 45-50 views

Obostrenie khronicheskoy obstruktivnoy bolezni legkikh. Prakticheskie rekomendatsii

Zaytsev A.A., Nersesyan M.Y., Tyurina I.V.


The problem of management of patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is discussed. Information on the etiology of COPD exacerbations, assessment of the severity of an exacerbation, pharmacotherapy of COPD exacerbations, prevention of thromboembolic complications, and the algorithm for management of patients with COPD exacerbation are presented.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):51-57
pages 51-57 views

Azitromitsin v terapii khronicheskoy obstruktivnoy bolezni legkikh: lechenie i profilaktika obostreniy

Karoli N.A., Rebrov A.P.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most pressing health problems due to the high prevalence, high mortality and significant social-economic loss. The most important factors determining the progression of COPD and reduction of the quality of life of patients include exacerbations. The article considers the etiopathogenesis of COPD exacerbations, possible ways of their treatment and prevention using antibiotics. The place of macrolide antibiotics, especially azithromycin, in the therapy of COPD exacerbations is discussed. It is emphasized that azithromycin plays an important role in the therapy of COPD exacerbations due to broad spectrum of action and a favorable safety profile. In contrast to β-lactam antibiotics, it is effective against the main actual pathogens in COPD exacerbations, including intracellular pathogens, as compared with other macrolides, and has potent activity against Haemophilus influenzae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Azithromycin has significant difference from other antibiotics due to unique pharmacokinetics, such as primarily accumulation in high concentrations in the tissues, especially in the cells, and long half-life in the body, that allows its use once time a day with a short course.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Effektivnost' kombinirovannykh preparatov v terapii ostrykh vospalitel'nykh zabolevaniy LOR-organov

Nosulya E.V.


The high prevalence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) and the extremely low efficiency of prevention are largely attributable to the variety of etiologically significant pathogens. The main direction of causal treatment of ARVI includes the use of antiviral drugs. Along with this, combined drugs are widely used in the treatment of patients with SARS; the components of combined drugs affect the basic symptoms and pathogenetic mechanisms of respiratory viral infections. This group of drugs includes Caffetin Cold, which is composed of paracetamol, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, dextromethorphan hydrobromide, and ascorbic acid. In general, the components of the drug Caffetin Cold, acting on the leading symptoms of ARVI, provide a vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and antitussive effects. In this connection, application of Caffetin Cold at the early stages and/or in mild disease contributes to the regression of the symptoms of acute respiratory disease, and improvement of subjective feelings of patients.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Primenenie preparata Esparoksi v lechenii infektsiy LOR-organov

Egorova O.A.


The article presents information on the prevalence and etiology of upper respiratory tract infections. The principles of rational choice of antibacterial drugs based on the sensitivity of the main pathogens in otorhinolaryngology are considered. In the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, particular attention is paid to the potentials for the application of macrolides, particularly roxithromycin (Esparoxy) - oral 14-membered macrolide, combining a wide range of antimicrobial activity, good pharmacokinetic properties, favorable tolerability profile and ease of use (1-2 times a day). To date, experience of treatment with Esparoxy allows to recommend the wider use of this drug in otorhinolaryngology.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):69-77
pages 69-77 views

Lechenie i profilaktika ostrykh respiratornykh zabolevaniy: taktika vybora lekarstvennykh sredstv

Kazyukova T.V., Kotlukov V.K.


Influenza and acute respiratory infection (ARI) remain unmanageable annually exposing hundreds of thousands of people at risk of severe complications and death. The article discusses the controversial views on issues regarding influenza vaccinations in the light of recent M. Osterholm, et al. publication (2012), which shows the low effectiveness of influenza vaccines. The own first experience of family ARI and flu prevention using drug Oscillococcinum in 2009-2010, during circulation of pandemic influenza virus A/H1N1/09, is described. A randomized controlled trial in two comparable groups (376 people, 72 families, 36 families in each group) has shown high efficiency of Oscillococcinum (protection criterion = 66.32 %, efficiency index = 2.97), which is comparable to that of influenza vaccination. The safety of its long-term use by the whole family (age from 3.5 months to 76 years), reducing the risk of complications, and possibility of combination with other drugs are also shown.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):78-83
pages 78-83 views

Puti profilaktiki ostrykh respiratornykh zabolevaniy

Zaytseva O.V.


The application of «Dishi» oil in sickly children with the first signs of acute respiratory viral infections allows to significantly facilitate their course and prevent complications. It is important that the «Dishi» oil (with «passive» inhalation) does not irritate or dry nasal mucosa, it is safe, has no addicting property, so, it can be used for a long time. Thus, the composition of «Dishi» oils can be used for the mass prevention of acute respiratory diseases.
Pharmateca. 2014;(15):84-87
pages 84-87 views

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