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Nº 1 (2010)


Modern technologies of obstetric bleedings treatment.

Radzinskiy V., Kuznetsova O., Kostin I., Eliseev P., Radzinsky V., Kuznetsova O., Costin I., Eliseev P.


We consider ways to reduce of maternal mortality caused by obstetric haemorrhage. The main causes of bleeding-related mortality are violation in stage-by-stage approach to obstetric care, delayed inadequate hemostasis, incorrect infusion-transfusion therapy. The article discusses the main alternative to radical surgical methods of hemostasis in obstetrics. It is emphasized that in recent years through the application of new techniques of blood infusion and correction of coagulation disorders mortality result from massive obstetric bleeding has decreased. These technologies include limitation of donated blood use, autodonation, use of perfluorocarbons, intraoperative blood reinfusion, transfusion of fresh frozen plasma, use of recombinant coagulation factor VII, use of efferent methods.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Intrauterine hormonal levonorgestrel-releasing system in women in perimenopause

Prilepskaya V., Abakarova P., Prilepskaya V., Abakarova P.


We review the literature data devoted to use of the intrauterine levonorgestrel-releasing system (LNG-IUS), an effective method of prevention of unwanted pregnancies in women of reproductive age and fertile perimenopausal women with ovulatory menstrual cycles. It is also possible the use of LNG-IUS as ultra low dose hormone progestin component of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with estrogens. The selection criteria for the use of LNG-IUD in premenopausal women as the progestin component of HRT are the presence of symptoms of climacteric syndrome, anovulation, and oligomenorrhea. The use of LNG-IUD in patients with hyperplastic processes of endometrium and breast, as well as dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, menorrhagia, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, anemia is most reasonable.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):17-21
pages 17-21 views

Differentiated approaches to the therapy of bronchoobstructive syndrome in children

Zaytseva O., Zaytseva O.


Broncho-obstructive syndrome (BOS) often occurs in children. At the present time the importance of evaluation the role of microbial-viral association, including intracellular pathogens as infectious agents (Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, etc.) in patients with recurrent course of BOS (including with asthma) is emphasized. It has been established that intracellular pathogens may determine debut of broncho-obstructive disease as well as induce the exacerbation and severe course of disease. The article is concerned with features of the BOS course associated with "atypical" infections, issues of diagnosis and modern methods of causal treatment.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Prophylaxis of cervical cancer

Prilepskaya V., Bebneva T., Prilepskaya V., Bebneva T.


We discuss the problem of prevention of cervical cancer (CC), in the genesis of which the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) is proved. Integrated approach to prevention and control of cervical cancer includes the various types of action from primary prevention, providing implementation of educational programs to reduce risk factors for cervical cancer and vaccination, to early detection, treatment and palliative care. Prophylactic HPV vaccines are the method of primary prevention of cervical cancer and used to create a persistent and prolonged immune response to the infection. We consider the properties and efficacy of prophylactic HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):27-31
pages 27-31 views

illomavirus infection of skin and mucous membranes

Belousova T., Goryachkina M., Belousova T., Goryachkina M.


The article is devoted to papillomavirus infection (PVI), one of the most common viral sexually transmitted infections. The data for the biology of the virus, ways of transmission, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations are presented. We considered different clinical forms of the disease: manifest - genital warts (anogenital warts), subclinical (intraepithelial neoplasia) and latent. Approaches to the treatment of PVI, including destructive (physical, chemical), surgical, immunological and combined methods are discussed. The article gives the evidence of effectiveness of the drug Isoprinosine, an immunomodulator with antiviral activity in various forms of PVI, studied in numerous foreign and domestic studies.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Calcium, vitamin D and nutrients in the prophylaxis and treatment of osteoporosis in pregnancy

Prilepskaya V., Ledina A., Prilepskaya V., Ledina A.


We discuss the problem of osteoporosis (OP) in pregnant women: causes, ways of prevention and treatment. OP is multifactorial pathology caused by insufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D as well as and increased needs of the organism in these elements. The development of OP during pregnancy can be prevented by using an integrated product that contains calcium and vitamin D (Calcium-D3 Nycomed), as well as some nutrition and behavior recommendations.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):37-41
pages 37-41 views

Pharmacological abortion in out-patient practice

Kuzemin A., Kuzemin A.


Data for the pharmacological properties of mifepristone and misoprostol - the most effective drugs used for medical abortion as an alternative to surgical intervention are presented. Author considers international experience on the use of mifepristone and misoprostol, and provides recommendations for their use to induce abortion in the I trimester of pregnancy. According to a study conducted in Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, the effectiveness of mifepristone and misoprostol combination was 98%. The results of the study indicate that the use of combination of antigestagen mifepristone and prostaglandin E1 misoprostol is a highly effective method of pregnancy termination. In full compliance with all necessary requirements this method is well tolerated in women and can be used to early pregnancy termination.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):42-45
pages 42-45 views

Gynepriston and emergency contraception.

Prilepskaya V., Bebneva T., Prilepskaya V., Bebneva T.


Authors consider the current approaches to emergency (EC) or postcoital contraception. It is emphasized that the most effective option of EC is the administration of hormones in fixed doses. Recently, as a means of EC antiprogestins (e.g. mifepristone) are widely used. The results of foreign and domestic studies, confirming the high efficiency and good tolerance of mifepristone, are presented. In Russia, mifepristone at a dose of 10 mg of registered as drug Ginepriston and permitted for clinical application to EC. It is emphasized that the EC is a single-use procedure and should not be applied within a few menstrual cycles. Transition with emergency on constant hormonal contraception in the absence of contraindications is rather rational.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):46-49
pages 46-49 views

Certain aspects of Actovegin use in the frames of the programs of assisted reproductive technologies

Nshanyan S., Nshanyan N.


The need to apply drugs with antihypoxic and metabolic effects, such as Aktavegin, in the programs of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) is proved. It is claimed that the use of Actovegin in the early stages of pregnancy, which occur after the application of ART, in most cases is associated with beneficial obstetric and perinatal outcomes. This drug is widely used to optimize the growth of follicles and producing of mature fertilizable oocytes in women of late reproductive age with low ovarian reserve. In general, the multiplicity of therapeutic effects of Actovegin makes appropriate its inclusion into a set of preventive and therapeutic action used in the ART program, increasing the likelihood of preservation and restoration of women's reproductive health.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):50-53
pages 50-53 views

Anemia in patients with gynecological and oncogynecological diseases: differential diagnostics and methods of correction

Stuklov N., Levakov S., Strazhev S., Stuklov N., Levakov S., Strazhev S.


The authors conduct the study aimed to identify regularity of erythrocyte series parameters change in oncogynecological and gynecological diseases. Study included 309 women observed in oncogynecological unit of city clinical hospital № 40 in Moscow from 2005 to 2008. Characteristics of anemia in these patients were analyzed. It is claimed that treatment of anemia in gynecologic patients should include iron preparations; because these patients have iron deficiency forms of anemia. The cases of treatment failure with oral iron preparations require parenteral administration of iron preparations. In the presence of anemia in the background oncogynecological process recombinant erythropoietin in combination with iron preparations should be prescribed, since the reduction of proliferative activity of bone marrow and hemoglobin synthesis in against cancer process is proved.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):54-57
pages 54-57 views

Incidence and structure of benign breast diseases after surgical treatment of gynecological diseases

Radzinskiy V., Khaskhanova L., Ordiyants I., Radzinsky V., Khaskhanova L., Ordiyants I.


We validate the therapeutic tactics in benign mammary dysplasia (BMD) in women after surgical treatment of gynecological diseases. For the decision of this challenge we have examined 518 women aged 18 to 49 years, seeking in breast service. We sequentially assessed gynecological and breast status in all these women under single screening. It was found that patients with preserved ovaries after surgical treatment of gynecological diseases have high risk for BMD. Subtotal or total hysterectomy with preservation of ovaries leads to increase risk of recurrence of localized forms BMD. Complex treatment of BMD in women after surgical treatment of gynecological diseases, differentially selected contraception, restoration of genital tract eubiosis, and immune resistance can reduce the frequency of BMD by 3 times, and the reccurence rate of localized forms by 5 times.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):58-61
pages 58-61 views

Urtica dioica: prospects for medical use

Samylina I., Pyatigorskaya N., Samylina I., Pyatigorskaya N.


We present data for the properties of nettle (Urtica dioica), growing practically in all territory of Russian Federation. Dried leaves of nettle are officinal in Russia and allowed to medical use as a haemostatic and multivitamin agents. Preparations made from nettle leaves widely used as hemostatic agent in uterine and gastrointestinal bleeding in the official medical practice. Due to the content of biogenic amines, galenical preparations on the basis of nettle increase the contractile ability of uterine unstriated muscles, similar to ergot. There are a number of other indications for the use of nettle. We present the state in which the use of nettle is contraindicated.
Pharmateca. 2010;(1):62-63
pages 62-63 views

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