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Nº 8 (2012)



Fomin V.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):3-3
pages 3-3 views


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Pharmateca. 2012;(8):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Rol' gistologicheskogo i molekulyarnogo analiza v vybore metoda lecheniya nemelkokletochnogo raka legkogo pozdnikh stadiy

Vladimirova L., Kit O., Sholokhova E.


In 2008 in Russia, the proportion of lung cancer accounted for 20,4 % of all cancer cases in men, with majority of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) diagnosed at late stages. Some histological subtypes of NSCLC (nonsquamous cell lung cancer compared to squamous cell lung cancer) and mutations (EGFR, KRAS, EML4-ALK) are associated with a higher efficacy of chemotherapy and biological therapy. The correctness of assignment of these treatments depends on the exact histological classification of tumors and analysis of the genetic mutation that allows to choose the most effective individual method of treatment without empirical therapy and associated risk of side effects. This review presents the current understanding of treatment options for advanced-stages NSCLC based on histological and molecular characteristics of tumors.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):9-22
pages 9-22 views

Sovremennaya terapiya nekhodzhkinskikh limfom

Alekseeva Y.


In recent decade, introduction of chimeric monoclonal antibody rituximab in clinical practice led to some success in the treatment of B-cell lymphomas. The effectiveness of rituximab was shown in monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapy, as well as at the stage of maintenance treatment. Further advances in the treatment of these diseases are likely to be associated with the risk-adapted therapy and combination with targeted gene inhibitors.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):23-29
pages 23-29 views

Sovremennye podkhody k lecheniyu gepatotsellyulyarnoy kartsinomy

Chuchuev E., Abirov K., Gakhramanov A., Sagaydak I., Patyutko Y.


In most countries, morbidity and mortality from primary malignant liver tumors is increased; hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is diagnosed among 85 % of patients. Viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis are main etiological factors for HCC. Diagnosis of the HCC at an early stage only allows to achieve success in the treatment of disease; therefore, all high-risk patients should be screened 2 times a year. Currently, liver resection remains the primary treatment for HCC, which allows to hope for a satisfactory long-term results. Best results of surgical treatment were subject to the Milan criteria. However, HCC is diagnosed at later stages in most patients. Therefore, many hospitals have expanded the indications for surgical treatment of HCC and developed the new treatment strategies in recent years.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):30-36
pages 30-36 views

Lekarstvennaya gepatotoksichnost' pri provedenii protivoopukholevoy khimioterapii onkologicheskikh zabolevaniy i vozmozhnosti ee korrektsii

Kazyulin A., Vel'sher L., Danilevskaya N., Maevskaya E.


The review is dedicated to frequency and risk factors of drug-induced hepatotoxicity, including liver damage during chemotherapy in cancer patients. Risk factors for hepatotoxicity and types of liver injury against the background of application of different groups of ^emotherapeutic agents are presented. The high efficacy of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (ademetionine) in treatment of drug-induced liver damage in cancer patients is demonstrated.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):37-44
pages 37-44 views


Abramov M., Darenskaya A.


Neutropenia is one of the major side effects of cytostatic treatment of tumor diseases, contributing to the development of infectious complications. Prolonged neutropenia often does not allow chemotherapy as planned, and can lead to chemotherapy dose reduction, which ultimately reduces the effectiveness of antineoplastic therapy. Therefore, carefully evaluation of myelotoxic potential of modern chemotherapy regimens and identification of patients at high risk of febrile neutropenia, in need of prophylactic colony-stimulating factor, are required. The success of the treatment of febrile neutropenia depends on early detection of possible infection and early treatment.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):45-50
pages 45-50 views

Anemiya na fone khimioterapii. Puti korrektsii

Abramov M.


The most common complication of chemotherapy is anemia. Blood transfusions are often used to quickly raise hemoglobin level. The widespread use of erythropoietin for the treatment of anemia in cancer patients has significantly reduced the number of blood transfusions and, accordingly, the associated risks. Patients with malignancies often develop iron deficiency. The use of intravenous iron supplements significantly increases the effectiveness of erythropoietin therapy. Intravenous Ferinject® is now widely used high effective drug for the correction of iron deficiency; potentials for its application in anemia during chemotherapy are considered.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):51-55
pages 51-55 views

Ostryy zhivot: diagnoz i differentsial'nyy diagnoz v praktike terapevta

Strutynskiy A.


The article discusses in detail the primary diagnosis of acute abdomen syndrome (AAS) at the pre-hospital stage, and the problem of differential diagnosis of diseases of internal organs with clinical picture that may mimic an acute surgical pathology, often encountered in the therapeutic practice. The relevance of timely diagnosis of the AAS is emphasized; it is associated with a direct dependence of postoperative lethality on the time from onset of illness to the admission of the patient in a surgical hospital and performing necessary surgery. It is shown that the solution to this problem is directly related to skills of physical examination of patient and ability of physician, taking part in the initial diagnosis of the syndrome, to correctly interpret the results of this examination.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):56-60
pages 56-60 views

Effektivnost' nizkikh doz gemtsitabina v kombinatsii s tsisplatinom v lechenii disseminirovannogo raka molochnoy zhelezy s progressirovaniem posle primeneniya antratsiklinov, taksanov i kapetsitabina

Semiglazova T., Gershanovich M., Latipova D., Filatova L., Chubenko V., Semiglazov V., Matsko D., Klimenko V.


The article is dedicated to the examination of efficacy and toxicity of combination chemotherapy with low-dose gemcitabine and cispla-tin in 131 patients with metastatic breast cancer (BC) progressing after application of anthracycline antibiotics, taxanes, capecitabine, and other cytotoxic agents. Gemcitabine was administered intravenously by drop infusion at a dose of 600-750 mg/m2, cisplatin - at a dose 30 mg/m2 on the 1st and 8th days every 3 weeks. The combination of gemcitabine with cisplatin at low doses was effective in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer not only in the 2nd, but in the 3rd, 4th, and subsequent lines of chemotherapy, and can be used to produce repeat therapeutic effects against the background of exhausted possibilities of drug treatment with anthracycline, taxanes, capecitabine, and other anticancer agents. Moderate and predictable toxicity, that does not require dose reduction and allows to use multiple courses of chemotherapy, as well as in elderly and debilitated patients with metastatic breast cancer, including in outpatient settings, are the advantage of application of gemcitabine with cisplatin.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):61-67
pages 61-67 views

Effektivnost' i bezopasnost' ezhenedel'nogo vvedeniya paklitaksela bol'nym metastaticheskim rakom molochnoy zhelezy: rezul'taty prospektivnogo mnogotsentrovogo klinicheskogo issledovaniya

Stroyakovskiy D., Makhson A., Bolotina L., Gorbunova V., Koroleva L., Bagrova S., Borisova T., Kornietskaya A., Ivanov R., Nikitin K.


Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality among women. The disease is often diagnosed at advanced stage. Despite recent advances in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) treatment, optimal therapy regimen is still to be determined. We have conducted this prospective multicenter trial to assess the efficacy and safety of weekly infusion of paclitaxel (Taxacad®) 80 mg/m 2 in MBC patients. The trial has included 19 MBC patients. All patients have received 24 paclitaxel infusions (3 cycles). Grade 3 adverse events (AEs) (rated according to NTICTCAE v. 2.0) were reported in 6 (31,6 %) patients (neutropenia, peripheral sensory neuropathy, AST elevation). No cases of grade 4 AEs were observed. In 1 patient grade 3 AE (peripheral sensory neuropathy) has lead to treatment discontinuation. Treatment response was assessed using RECIST criteria in 18 patients. After 3 cycles of chemotherapy partial response was achieved in 11 (57,9 %) patients, disease stabilization - in 4 (21,1 %) patients. The disease has progressed during the treatment in 4 (21,1 %) patients. Median follow-up was 8,5 (2-24) months; median time to progression was 9 (1-12) months. In conclusion, weekly paclitaxel monotherapy can be safely used in MBC patients.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):68-73
pages 68-73 views

Opyt primeneniya trastuzumaba v respublike Bashkortostan

Sakaeva D., Kunafina R., Popova E.


This article discusses the practice of treatment of breast cancer with HER2/neu overexpression in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Trastuzumab was used as the drug that significantly improves the results of therapy. Patients were divided into two groups. In the study group, the drug was administered in adjuvant mode after the surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Times of recurrence and metastasis were analyzed in both groups. The use of trastuzumab in complex therapy allows to individualize the therapy for breast cancer and improve treatment outcomes.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):74-76
pages 74-76 views

Strategiya radikal'nogo lecheniya opukholey periampullyarnoy lokalizatsii, oslozhnennykh mekhanicheskoy zheltukhoy

Kudashkin N., Agafonova M., Kotel'nikov A., Patyutko Y.


From 1985 to 2011, in the Department of Surgery of tumors of the liver and pancreas ROSC named after N.N.Blokhin 329 pancreatoduodenal resections for malignant diseases of periampullar localization were performed. The short-term results of treatment of operated patients were analyzed with the aim to determine the effects of obstructive jaundice in the perioperative period. It was revealed that high bilirubin levels have no significant effect on intraoperative parameters, as well as on the frequency of postoperative complications and mortality; whereby, possibility of radical surgery without preoperative bile diversion can be discussed.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):77-81
pages 77-81 views

Rol' svoevremennosti khirurgicheskogo lecheniya pervichnogo giperparatireoza kak samostoyatel'noy mery profilaktiki spetsificheskikh oslozhneniy

Chernousov A., Ippolitov L., Vetshev S., Orlova I., Saliba M.


Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) affects about 1 % of the adult population worldwide, but in different countries, the prevalence of the disease varies considerably. The results of the study aimed to the evaluation of the current state of PHPT epidemiology of in the Russian Federation based on analysis of international experience and own results of surgical treatment of 92 patients from 1998 to 2009 are presented. It was shown that in Russia the frequency of diagnosis of PHPTis ten times lower in comparison with Western data. According to our data, 96 % of patients with PHPT has complications. The majority of patients showed a combined damage of bone and kidney (46 %). For a silent form of the disease (4 %), increased levels of calcium and parathyroid hormone in the blood were reported. In 28 % of patients with normal total calcium in the blood, increased levels of ionized form of calcium were observed. Parathyroid adenoma was diagnosed among 54 % of patients. It is emphasized that the lack of screening for hypercalcemia in Russia is a serious barrier to timely specialized surgical care to patients with PHPT.
Pharmateca. 2012;(8):82-87
pages 82-87 views

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