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Nº 18 (2013)


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Pharmateca. 2013;(18):11
pages 11 views

Anemii, soprovozhdayushchiesya gipoferremiey: vzglyad klinicheskogo farmakologa

Erofeeva S., Shelukhin A.


This review is dedicated to the anemia accompanied by hypoferremia. Pathogenetical features of anemia in chronic renal failure and anemia of chronic disease (ACD) require different approaches to the medical correction. The leading role of iron supplements in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia with sufficiently elaborated indications for their use does not admit of doubt. The available evidence base for treatment of ACD is quite contradictory; the decision on the advisability of use of iron supplements requires careful evaluation of clinical symptoms and laboratory data reflecting iron metabolism.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Statiny i ostryy koronarnyy sindrom: obosno-vanie, tselesoobraznost' i taktika lecheniya patsientov

Shalaev S., Safiullina Z., Kozlov A.


The review presents the data from studies of statins in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Based on results of studies, pleiotropic and lipid mechanisms of action of statins in ACS with regard to the development of cardiovascular complications are analyzed. The practical aspects of treatment with statins at the early stages of hospitalization of patients with ACS are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):18-23
pages 18-23 views

Vyyavlenie lits s osteoporoticheskimi perelomami i riskom ikh razvitiya

Baranova I.


Over the past few years, well-defined algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis is presented for the general practitioners. It is constantly being improved and adjusted to reflect the latest data of domestic and foreign research. Particular attention is paid not only to instrumental and laboratory methods for diagnosis, but conventional clinical examination and management of the patient.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):24-30
pages 24-30 views

Lechenie stabil'noy stenokardii: sovremennoe sostoyanie voprosa

Glezer M., Astashkin E., Novikova M.


The lecture is devoted to the current state of problem of treatment of patients with stable angina. The approaches to the improvement of prognosis and reduction of frequency of angina attacks and ischemia are discussed. It is emphasized that for the successful treatment of patients with angina pectoris, control of the main hemodynamic parameters such as blood pressure and heart rate is required. The place of myocardial cytoprotectors is considered. Particular attention is paid to the issues of rational combinations of antianginal drugs.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):31-38
pages 31-38 views

Novye paradigmy vs starye predstavleniya o farmakoterapii arterial'noy gipertenzii u lits s vysokim serdechno-sosudistym riskom i metabolicheskimi narusheniyami

Mamedov M., Toguzova Z.


In recent years, much attention is paid to the metabolic risk factors which have important prognostic value in the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. According to WHO experts, significant increase of metabolic disorders is expected. In combination with arterial hypertension (AH), they increase the risk of cardiovascular complications. In the literature, the metabolic effects of antihypertensive drugs are discussed actively. It is found that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, sartans, calcium channel blockers (CCBs) and long-acting Il-imidazoline receptor agonists have no negative impact on metabolic risk factors, whereas thiazide diuretics and в-blockers may worsen the prognosis. In low doses and in combination with other drugs, however, diuretics and в-blockers can also be used in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic disorders. If it is necessary, safe combination therapy (ACEI + CCB, angiotensin II receptor blocker + CCB), and combination with diuretics at lower therapeutic doses can also be used, that favorably affect the prognosis due to a good antihypertensive effect.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):39-43
pages 39-43 views

Algoritm diagnostiki i lecheniya disfunktsiy biliarnogo trakta

Polunina T.


Against the background of increased incidence of biliary tract pathology in recent years, an increase in the proportion of functional pathology of the gall bladder and the sphincter of Oddi is noted, which accounts for 15% of all diseases of biliary tract. The article describes the pathogenesis of primary and secondary dysfunctional disorders of biliary tract; classification of gall bladder dysfunction and methods of laboratory and instrumental evaluation of the biliary tract dysfunction and dysfunction of sphincter of Oddi are presented. The methods for the correction of digestive disorders against the background of biliary tract dysfunctions are proposed. The advantages of use of the enzyme preparation Ermytal and the features of dose selection are described; data on clinical trials are presented.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):44-51
pages 44-51 views

Chto novogo v terapii tyazhelogo atopicheskogo dermatita?

Macharadze D., Galanina A.


Current concepts of the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis are considered: the reasons for the lack of effectiveness of therapy, especially in severe atopic dermatitis are discussed. The most current approaches to the treatment of atopic dermatitis, including principles for the use of topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors such as tacrolimus are presented.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Effektivnost' primeneniya preparata Lavenum patsientami s perelomami skeleta razlichnykh lokalizatsiy, oslozhnennymi obshirnymi podkozhnymi krovoizliyaniyami

Luneva S., Stogov M., Karasev A., Men'shikova T., Trofimova E., Tkachuk E.


The article presents the substantiation and scheme of application of Lavenum gel in the complex treatment of patients with closed fractures of the limbs of different locations. Clinical, physiological and laboratory results demonstrating the effectiveness of the gel are discussed. Application of Lavenum gel in the treatment of patients with closed fractures of the limbs contributed to optimizing the regenerative processes in the tissues of the damaged segment, leading to shorter fixation at device by an average of 7-10 days compared with patients who were treated without the use of a gel.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Polostnaya i pristenochnaya mikrobiota pryamoy kishki pri sindrome razdrazhennogo kishechnika

Loranskaya I., Boldyreva M., Trofimov D., Lavrent'eva O.


The article considers the concept of the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and its function; features of abdominal and parietal microbiotopes are discussed; definitions of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and its clinical forms are provided. The results of the evaluation of parietal microflora of the rectum using polymerase chain reaction in healthy individuals and patients with IBS are presented. There were statistically significant differences. A comparative analysis of the composition of the microflora of the rectal mucosa and faeces in patients with IBS with constipation and diarrhea is performed.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):61-66
pages 61-66 views

Antigipoksantnaya terapiya v kompleksnom patogeneticheskom lechenii distroficheskikh zabolevaniy pozvonochnika

Bektoshev R., Ergashev M., Bektoshev O.


This study was aimed to the assessment of the efficacy of Actovegin in patients with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis. The study included 60 patients with the acute vertebrogenic lumboischialgia (32 men and 28 women aged 30 to 60 years). Vertobroneurological diagnosis was performed according to the H. Hall criteria. Patients were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 - 30 patients receiving traditional comprehensive medical treatment and intravenous transfusion of 20% Actovegin, Group 2 - 30 patients receiving only traditional complex conservative treatment (no Actovegin). Rating of the results of treatment was performed by a doctor; the dynamics of pain was assessed by patients using visual analogue scale; quantitative assessment of vertebral syndrome was carried out using G. Waddel scale.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):67-71
pages 67-71 views

Osobennosti zabolevaniy kishechnika u zhenshchin

Kuznetsova I., Uspenskaya Y.


Female sex is a risk factor for several bowel diseases: functional constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and functional bloating. The article presents the main reasons for bowel motility disorders in women during pregnancy, in postpartum period and in gynecological pathology. Detailed description of the drugs of choice for constipation in each of the groups of patients is presented. Principal advantages and disadvantages of each of the groups of drugs are discussed. The authors emphasize that for the optimization of management of patients with bowel diseases, at the stage of history-taking attention should be paid not only to the gastroenterological symptoms, but also to identification of possible their association with menstrual cycle, reproductive status and gynecological pathology.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):72-78
pages 72-78 views

Effektivnost' metadoksina v kompleksnom lechenii nealkogol'noy zhirovoy bolezni pecheni

Baryshnikova N., Belousova L.


The article presents data on the prevalence, causes, in particular metabolic causes (insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes), and the basic mechanisms of the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; the main features of the clinical manifestations and diagnosis of this disease are described. Particular attention is paid to the complex treatment of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which should include recommendations on optimization of diet and lifestyle, pharmacologic correction of hyperglycemia (metformin, etc.), dyslipidemia (statins), oxidative stress (antioxidants), and the use of hepatoprotectors, such as metadoxin. The article presents the results of experimental and clinical studies proving the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):79-83
pages 79-83 views

Vozmozhnosti kupirovaniya boli pri sindrome razdrazhennogo kishechnika

Cheremushkin S., Kucheryavyy Y., Cheremushkina N., Krivoborodova N.


The article reflects the current views on the issues of the pathophysiology, clinical manifestation and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Particular attention is paid to problems of low knowledge of physicians of backbone of IBS and approaches to its treatment. The evidence base on the use of myotropic antispasmodics in the treatment of IBS are analyzed in detail. The evidence of efficacy and safety of hyoscine butylbromide in this pathology are presented.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):84-93
pages 84-93 views

Personifitsirovannoe lechenie bol'nykh s sindromom slabosti sinusovogo uzla na osnove individual'nykh osobennostey genotipa

Chernova A., Nikulina S., Shul'man V., Tret'yakova S., Aksyutina N., Chernov V.


The distribution of genotype and allele frequencies of 4a/4b eNOS gene polymorphism in patients with idiopathic sick sinus syndrome (men, women, probands) compared with the control group was analyzed. Significant predominance of homozygous genotype for a rare 4b allele in all study subgroups was reported. Recommendations for the choice of drug therapy depending on the genotype were discussed.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):94-96
pages 94-96 views

Effektivnoe reshenie problemy antigipertenzivnoy terapii u patsienta s khronicheskoy ishemiey mozga

Shishkova V.


Chronic cerebral ischemia is slow-progressive gradual decline or change the normal activity of the brain, which occurs as a result of diffuse and/or small-focal brain tissue damage in a settings of long-term lack of blood supply. Antihypertensive treatment at any stage of the treatment of hypertension can significantly affect the health of the patient's brain.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):97-101
pages 97-101 views

Patsient s NAZhBP: algoritm diagnostiki i lecheniya

Tsukanov V., Amel'chugova O., Vasyutin A., Tonkikh Y.


The article analyzes the current data on the methods of diagnosis and principles of treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a disease accompanied by the accumulation of fat in the liver more than 5 % of the hepatocyte number. NAFLD is a diagnosis of exclusion, the definition of which is possible only after a careful analysis of all possible specific reasons (alcohol, hepatitis viruses, genetic diseases, etc.) and confirmation of the nature of metabolic disease. Screening for NAFLD is necessarily required in patients with obesity. For diagnosis of NAFLD, the determination of appropriate symptoms of liver diseases, biochemical analysis, including conventional liver function tests, tests characterizing lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, liver ultrasound, elastography and, if necessary, morphological examination are required. Treatment of NAFLD includes low-calorie diet with sufficient level of polyunsaturated fats and dietary fibers, graduated exercise to reduce body weight, the use of insulin-sensitizing agents, the use of essential phospholipids and antioxidants. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of NAFLD are developing rapidly, which requires the attention of physicians and gastroenterologists.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):102-105
pages 102-105 views

Effektivnost' neyrotropnoy terapii pri boli v spine

Dadasheva M., Agafonov B., Shevtsova N.


Acute and chronic back pain (BP) is a topical medical and social problem, which has significant economic value. Leading syndromes in BP include musculo-tonic syndrome, myofascial syndrome and facet syndrome. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants in BP is pathogenetically justified. In chronic pain or radiculopathy, anticonvulsants or selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are also recommended. Inclusion of B vitamins, particularly Milgamma and Milgamma compositum, in a comprehensive treatment of vertebrogenic pain syndrome allows to reduce the dose of NSAIDs, the risk of side effects and duration of treatment.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):106-109
pages 106-109 views

Vozmozhnosti primeneniya blokatorov retseptorov angiotenzina II pri metabolicheskom sindrome i arterial'noy gipertenzii

Nedogoda S., Chalyabi T., Salasyuk A., Barykina I., Pocheptsov D., Ledyaeva A., Tsoma V., Chumachek E.


Angiotensin II receptor blockers are considered as one of the three major classes of antihypertensive drugs in the treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with metabolic syndrome. Each representative of this group (losartan, valsartan, candesartan, irbesartan, telmisartan) has clinical and pharmacological features and nuances of clinical applications. Based on their analysis, the algorithm of differential selection of a specific drug is presented.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):110-113
pages 110-113 views

Osobennosti primeneniya preparatov magniya beremennymi zhenshchinami

Mubarakshina O.


The review presents the role of magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman; reasons for the current prevalence of magnesium deficiency and its clinical manifestations are considered. The ways to eliminate magnesium deficiency, the benefits of its organic salts and recommendations for dosing regimen are provided. The rationale for the application of magnesium orotate in pregnant women, and the main indications for its use in obstetric practice are discussed; recent results of clinical use of the drug Magnerot are presented.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):114-118
pages 114-118 views

Individualizirovannaya antitromboticheskaya terapiya pri fibrillyatsii predserdiy

Ashikhmin Y., Shchekochikhin D.


Until recently, vitamin K antagonist warfarin was a main drug for systemic anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation (AF). The emergence of new anticoagulants - dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban - greatly expanded the approaches to the prevention of stroke in patients with AF. This article highlights the practical aspects of selection of antithrombotic therapy in AF from a perspective of efficacy and safety.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):119-123
pages 119-123 views

Novye preparaty dlya lecheniya ozhireniya

Ushkalova E.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):124-129
pages 124-129 views

Transplantatsiya stvolovykh kletok kostnogo mozga kak novyy sposob lecheniya pechenochnoy nedostatochnosti. Sovremennoe sostoyanie problemy

Shagidulin M., Onishchenko N.


The progressive increase in the number of patients with hepatic failure (HF), high morbidity, disability and mortality of these patients indicate a lack of effectiveness of the existing conservative and surgical treatment of this disease and the need for the search of new, more effective treatments. Currently, liver transplantation is the only effective method of treatment, but the ever-increasing deficit of donor organs and the increasing number of patients needing for transplants do not allow wide use of this method of treatment for all patients with HF. The use of stem cells for the treatment of liver diseases represents a new approach to the strategy of treatment of HF. This article focuses on the current state of the problem of treatment of HF using cellular technology through the use of stem/progenitor cells of the bone marrow.
Pharmateca. 2013;(18):130-135
pages 130-135 views

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