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Nº 19 (2014)


pages 7-7 views

Effektivnost' i bezopasnost' Teralidzhena v povsednevnoy praktike

Etingof A.


Teraligen is considered as a drug combining tranquilizing, timoanaleptic, vegetostabilizing, as well as antihistamine and antispasmodic properties. These features define a wide range of use of Teraligen not only in psychiatry and neurology, but also in somatic patients. Large range of therapeutic doses, good tolerability and lack of complications determine the safety of its use in the outpatient settings, and significantly extend the range of use.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Pervichnyy ß-amiloid-assotsiirovannyy vaskulit tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy

Fedorov K., Sergienko T., Golubev S., Atyasova E., Nazarova N., Moiseev S., Novikov P.


Amyloid beta-related CNS vasculitis is one of the most rear types of primary CNS vasculitis. Recurrent hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes, epilepsy, severe cognitive decline are referred to be the main features of the disease. Pathological findings often include vasculitic transmural, often granulomatous, inflammatory infiltrates along with hemorrhages and amyloid-beta deposits seen in the meninges and in the brain. We describe the clinical course, radiologic and pathologic findings of a 33-year-old man with amyloid beta-related CNS vasculitis manifested in peripheral right facial nerve paralysis. During following three years, recurrent debilitating hemorrhagic, ischemic strokes and epilepsy were observed. Brain and meninges biopsy revealed granulomatous destructive angiitis with diffuse and local vessel amyloid-beta deposits in the meninges and brain tissue. ABRA was diagnosed and treatment with three PRED 1500 mg IV pulses followed by 75 mg orally and CYC 1400 mg IV every four weeks began. Such aggressive treatment suppressed inflammation and prevented the patient from radiologic progression.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):14-20
pages 14-20 views

Sovremennyy vzglyad na problemu farmakoterapii ANTsA-assotsiirovannykh sistemnykh vaskulitov

Belyaeva I., Chudinov A., Mazurov V., Shemerovskaya T.


ANCA-associated systemic vasculitis is an urgent problem of clinical medicine due to the difficulty in diagnosing the disease onset, multisystemic lesions and a high risk of disability. Necrotizing inflammation of small vessels determines the severity of lesions in ANCA-associated vasculitides and creates difficulties of differential diagnosis. The article presents the results of own authors’ clinical research and international randomized trials regarding clinical course and the effectiveness of the main pathogenetic agents for the treatment of ANCA-associated systemic vasculitides.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):21-25
pages 21-25 views

Dementsiya i legkoe kognitivnoe rasstroystvo: differentsial'naya otsenka i terapiya

Merkin A., Komarov A., Kazhin V., Dinov E., Beloskurskaya O., Kosyaeva S., Simolina D., Aronov P., Bychkova A., Kezina L., Nikiforov I.


This article describes mental disorders in mild cognitive impairment and dementia; diagnostic criteria and approaches to the differential diagnosis, as well as difficulties in qualifying of mild cognitive impairment and various forms of dementia are discussed. Some groups of drugs used in the treatment of disorders accompanied by cognitive impairment are emphasized, and approaches to the treatment of these conditions are proposed.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Tromboliticheskaya terapiya pri ishemicheskom insul'te: prediktory bezopasnosti i effektivnosti

Shamalov N., Anisimov K., Kustova M., Tolmachev A., Biryukov V.


A systemic thrombolytic therapy with account of clinical and pathogenetic features of the disease, localization of the lesion, results of additional methods of diagnosis (primarily neuroimaging), identification of predictors for bleeding complications will contribute to safer and more effective use of this method for the treatment of patients with ischemic stroke.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Sovremennoe lechenie revmatoidnogo artrita: rekomendatsii i real'naya praktika

Chichasova N., Imametdinova G.


To date, the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has some success. The emergence of new diagnostic criteria 2010 for RA, implementation of the principles of controlled treatment in practice - strategy of treatment of RA to achieve the goal, the emergence of new forms of previously used disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and new generation preparations (genetically engineered biological agents and the targeted synthetic DMARDs - tofacitinib), allows to approach to personalized treatment of RA and the prevention of adverse outcomes. The widespread introduction of the subcutaneous form of methotrexate into clinical practice, a highly effective drug in relation to the activity and progression in early RA, well tolerated for a long time, allows to achieve the goal for most patients after 6-12 months of therapy using the principles of controlled treatment.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):36-42
pages 36-42 views

Effektivnost' immunosupressivnoy i antikoagulyantnoy terapii u bol'noy granulematozom s poliangiitom i kriofibrinogenemiey

Shevtsova T., Novikov P., Smitienko I., Meshkov A., Moiseev S.


Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's granulomatosis) usually occurs with severe visceral involvement determining the prognosis for most patients. The article presents the clinical observation of the 29-yearsold patient, which although active immunosuppressive therapy improve visceral lesions, had severe necrotizing defects, ascending gangrene, amputation of both legs. Subsequently cryofibrinigenemia was revealed, und treatment with anticoagulants was effective - skin lesions were disappeared. This clinical observation shows how the presence of cryofibrinogenemia may change the course of ANCA-associated vasculitides.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):43-47
pages 43-47 views

O protivoopukholevom effekte preparatov vitamina D3: fundamental'nye issledovaniya i dokazatel'naya meditsina

Gromova O., Torshin I., Malygin S., Limanova O., Gilel's A.


Vitamin D is hormone involved in maintaining antitumor immunity. The article presents a comprehensive molecular and physiological model of antitumor effects of vitamin D. The data of evidence-based medicine, showing that long-term intake of vitamin D3 at doses of 800-1000 IU/day significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer, rectal cancer, and mortality from other forms of cancer, are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):48-58
pages 48-58 views

Opyt primeneniya preparatov tioktovoy kisloty v kompleksnom lechenii patsientov s obostreniem rasseyannogo skleroza

Tarasova S., Kurapov M.


Thioctic acid has proven antioxidant action in various diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. The article presents the literature data and data of own authors’ research on the effectiveness of thioctic acid in treatment of acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis, along with pulse therapy with hormonal preparations. The study included 42 patients with multiple sclerosis who underwent reversal of exacerbations in a Samara Regional Center for Demyelinating Diseases on the basis of the neurological unit of the SRCH n.a. M.I. Kalinin. In the group of patients treated with thioctic acid along with standard regimen of pulse therapy, a pronounced dynamics of regression of symptoms of multiple sclerosis was marked.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):59-63
pages 59-63 views

Sravnitel'nyy analiz razlichnykh metodov khirurgicheskogo lecheniya varikoznoy bolezni nizhnikh konechnostey pri khronicheskoy venoznoy nedostatochnosti

Rodoman G., Shalaeva T., Naumov E., Naumova E.


The efficiency of endovasal laser obliteration (EVLO) as a radical method of treatment of varicose vein disease of the lower extremities was evaluated. A comparative analysis of the results of treatment of 85 patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) functional classes C2-C3 according to CEAR classification is presented; in the complex treatment, such techniques as surgical phlebectomy and EVLO were applied. As phlebotonics, Aescusan - a drug with antioxidant, antiedemic, capillaroprotective and venotonic actions - was used. It is shown that EVLO is characterized by less severe post-traumatic tissue changes and a higher quality of life of patients in the postoperative period. EVLO and phlebectomy in combination with the use of aescusan during pre- and postoperative periods have shown similar efficacy in relieving CVI symptoms, but only in cases where the diameter of the venous trunk, which undergoes exposure, does not exceed 1 cm.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Intrakranial'nyy ateroskleroz: klinicheskie proyavleniya i podkhody k terapii

Domashenko M., Loskutnikov M., Gafarova M., Maksimova M.


Intracranial atherosclerosis is one of the most common causes of ischemic cerebrovascular insufficiency worldwide. The article provides an overview of major international multi-center studies evaluating the efficacy and safety of different modes of monotherapy with antiplatelets and oral anticoagulants for the prevention of ischemic stroke. Along with measures for prevention of vascular events, it is recommended to include the Actovegin in the treatment regimen of patients with intracranial atherosclerosis as a drug contributing to the relief of the manifestations of cerebrovascular insufficiency and improvement of general state of patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):68-73
pages 68-73 views

Erektil'naya disfunktsiya pri zabolevaniyakh tsentral'noy nervnoy sistemy

Popov S.


In neurological patients, erectile dysfunction (ED) develops as a consequence of both central nervous system disorders and psychogenic causes. 10-19% of organic erectile dysfunction has neurogenic nature. Traumatic brain injury, stroke, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis often lead to the development of ED, significantly reducing the quality of life of these patients. Erectile dysfunction in neurological patients is often combined with depression, decreased libido, ejaculation and orgasm disorders. The variety of drugs used for the correction of neurogenic ED allows to individualize the therapy.
Pharmateca. 2014;(19):74-79
pages 74-79 views

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