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Nº 5 (2018)



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Pharmateca. 2018;(5):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Etiological role of oxidized low-density lipoproteins in the development of ischemic stroke

Chernichuk O., Lyang O., Kochetov A., Shamalov N., Stakhovskaya L.


The pathogenesis of ischemic stroke (IS) is closely related to atherosclerotic vascular lesions, which lead to thrombosis or embolism resulting in necrosis of the brain tissue. In the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, the concept of the key role of oxidized low-density lipoproteins (oxLDLs) as initiators, provocators and inducers of atherogenesis in the vascular wall is gaining increasing recognition. Particularly oxLDLs are actively absorbed by the macrophages of the vascular wall, which causes the development of the inflammatory process. Peroxide modification of LDLs is accompanied by a significant increase in their immunogenicity. The formation of antibodies to oxLDLs captured by the cells of the arterial wall is an additional factor of damage to the vascular wall. The article reviews the studies devoted to the evaluation of the pathophysiological role and clinical significance of oxLDLs and antibodies to them in patients with cardiovascular diseases. The analysis of these data suggests the etiological role of oxLDLs and antibodies to them in the development of IS, outcomes and complications of IS as atherosclerosis-related processes.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):8-15
pages 8-15 views

Efficacy of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate-based preparations: literature review and personal experience

Tarantsova A.


The article presents the main chronological milestones, the mechanism of action and the spectrum of pharmacological effects of reference and generic ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate-based preparations, the regulatory and legal framework, a review of the effectiveness of clinical use from the perspective of evidence-based medicine and personal author’s experience of their use in practically healthy young people (examined in the Health Center) and elderly patients with comorbid cardiological and neurological disorders.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):16-25
pages 16-25 views

Biological effects of glyprolines melanocortin series

Denisova A., Filippenkov I., Stavchansky V., Dergunova L., Limborska S., Gubsky L.


One of the main tasks in the field of biology and medicine is the creation of new pharmacologically powerful drugs with a wide spectrum of action and minimal side effects on the body. Currently, a class of regulatory peptides - gliprolins of the melanocortin series -is actively studied; the main features of these peptides include the multidirectional action, the absence of side effects, and the ability of their metabolites to exert independent biological effects. This article summurizes the most relevant literature data on the properties of the following peptides: MGHPhPGP (Me-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro), PGP (Pro-Gly-Pro), and PGPL (Pro-Gly-Pro-Leu).
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Botulinotherapy in complex rehabilitation of patients with poststroke lower limb spasticity

Khatkova S., Krylova L., Akulov M., Balbert A.


The development of lower limb spastic paresis is a frequent consequence of a stroke. The presence of motor weakness and increased muscle tone leads to the formation of pathological patterns, disrupts gait and balance, causes falls, disables patients, and significantly reduces their quality of life. Rehabilitation of such patients is a complex and time-consuming process requiring correct assessment of the neurological deficit, development of an individual rehabilitation program involving a multidisciplinary team of specialists. In the last decade, preparations of botulinum toxin type A have been actively used in complex rehabilitation programs to correct focal and multifocal lower limb spasticity in order to reduce muscle tone. However, their effectiveness in improving limb function is not so obvious. The article analyzes the results of several studies conducted in the world over the last 5 years with one of the preparations of botulinum toxin type A - Incobotulinumtoxin A (Inco-BTA), in patients with spasticity of the lower extremity, which showed its efficacy and safety in clinical practice with regard to not only decrease muscle tone, but also improve the function of the lower limb and also discussed methods of rehabilitation with different levels of evidence, used in practical health care in this category of patients.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):31-38
pages 31-38 views

Pharmacological neuromodulation in complex reparative therapy of ischemic stroke: “COMplex Repair in Ishemic Stroke-Arm” trial

Belkin A., Alasheev A., Prazdnichkova E., Pozdnyakov D., Sobolev A.


Background. In a pilot study using the method of navigated brain stimulation (NBS), the effect of Cerebrolysin on the motor center of paralytic limbs in the form of changes in the neuron excitation threshold in the area of interest in response to magnetic stimulation and an increase in the area of the cortex responsive to stimulation were found. These facts became the basis for planning a new study using Cerebrolysin as a potential modulator of neurorestoration. Objective. Evaluation of the effect of Cerebrolysin® in combination with standard therapy on the dynamics of paresis of the upper limb in patients with acute ischemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory. Methods. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy and safety of Cerebrolysin® in acute ischemic stroke. It is planned to enroll 30 patients in study: 15 in the treatment group and 15 in the control groups. Patients are randomized to one of the groups: standard therapy in combination with the use of Cerebrolysin infusions, or standard therapy in combination with the use of placebo infusions according to the per-protocol scheme. The scheme provides two courses of therapy: Cerebrolysin 50 ml diluted in saline 50 ml, one infusion of Cerebrolysin/placebo (saline 100 ml) per day for 10 days, then a 7-day gap, then a second course of daily Cerebrolysin/placebo infusions for 10 days. Each patient participates in the study for 176-190 days. Primary end point: the dynamics of the hand function according to the results of the Frenchay Arm Test. Conclusion. The study design opens up a new direction in the evaluation of the modulating properties of pharmacological agents in the structure of therapy for acute cerebral insufficiency from onset to late recovery period.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Dynamics of poststroke cognitive deficiency and the main factors influencing it

Kovalenko E., Bogolepova A.


Background. Cognitive disorders are one of the main consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident. Their formation and dynamics of development are determined by a large number of risk factors. Objective. Evaluation of the dynamics of cognitive impairment in patients with hemispheric ischemic stroke and an assessment of the factors influencing it. Methods. 56 patients in the early recovery period of anterior circulation ischemic stroke were examined. The mean age of patients was 64.67±10.19 years. Evaluation of cognitive functions was carried out according to the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score and the IQCODE questionnaire (for detection of pre-stroke cognitive decline in patients). Separately, the neuropsychological profile was determined. The examination was carried out in acute and early recovery periods (6 months after the onset of the stroke). Results. In the acute and early recovery periods of ischemic stroke, there were no significant differences in the MoCA score (21.71±3.26 and 22.05±3.83 points, respectively). Despite the fact that most patients had cognitive status improvement or lack of its dynamics (76.8%), the proportion of patients with dementia increased from 17.9 to 21.4%. The main risk factors influencing the dynamics of cognitive impairment were employment, disability, the presence of cardiac arrhythmias and chronic heart failure. A special role in the deterioration of cognitive functions was played by the presence of pre-stroke cognitive decline. Conclusion. The results of the study indicate that the dynamics of poststroke cognitive impairment depends on many factors. The most important role is played by the pre-strike cognitive deficiency and disability, as well as the presence of cardiac pathology.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):46-53
pages 46-53 views

EEG-characteristics of hemispheric ischemic stroke patients

Novikova L., Sharapova K., Dmitrieva O., Kakaulina L.


Background. Modern ideas about the mechanisms of the damaging effect of acute cerebral ischemia are associated with an understanding of the complex relationships between the vascular supply and the morphofunctional state of the brain tissues. The evaluation of the bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex for assessment of the functional state of the central nervous system of patients with brain injury of various genesis is well known. The application of the method of quantitative analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG) makes it possible to develop mathematical models of cerebral stroke of various localizations and genesis, and to evaluate their changes against the background of standard therapy. Objective. Assessment of the possibility of using quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) in the evaluation of the functional state of the brain of ischemic stroke (IS) patients compared with the neuropsychological data. Methods. The study included 30 patients with IS in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory. EEG recording was performed for 30 minutes on the first day of the disease. Results. The results of study indicated that post-stroke cognitive and anxiety-depressive disorders are detected already in the peracute and acute periods of IS. The mathematical analysis of the EEG in patients with IS in the MCA territory has revealed a decrease in the power level of all rhythms both in the affected and intact hemisphere, a decrease in inter-hemispheric coherence, and an increase in the integral index, the most pronounced in the temporal and central regions in the affected hemisphere. The level of coherence in all frequency ranges in the ipsilateral temporal region correlates with the neuropsychological data. Conclusion. Neuropsychological data are comparable with EEG data, which allows to make a judgment about the primary lesion of the mediobasal structures of the temporal region.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):54-58
pages 54-58 views

Multidisciplinary expertise as a tool for medical care quality control at stages of routing of patients with acute cerebrovascular disorders

Sheliakin V., Belkin A., Alasheev A., Pinchuk E., Demina T., Tretyakov D.


Background. Multidisciplinary expertise of the medical care quality (MEMCQ) is one of the most complex, but also highly sensitive tools in the analysis of multi-stage medical assistance. An example of this type of assistance is the Program of Care for Patients with Acute Cerebrovascular Disorders (ACVDs). The complexity of the program is that, starting from the stage of emergency care, it covers the subsequent rehabilitation stage and follow-up care. The Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation «On approval of the criteria for assessment of the medical care quality» № 203n dated May 10, 2017 offers dichotomous checklists describing the key technological elements of treatment of patients with ACVDs in primary vascular units (PVUs), but does not determine the criteria for the quality of care in neurological units that are not PVUs, rehabilitation and outpatient units, which is not sufficient for a multidisciplinary expertise. Objective. Development and approbation of a set of local checklists for monitoring the regulations of the organizational and methodological tool for a multidisciplinary examination of the quality of multi-stage treatment systems by the example of patients with ACVDs. Methods. A prospective cohort non-randomized study without a comparison group using formalized checklists to monitor the quality of the implementation of the regulation for medical care for patients with ACVDs in the Sverdlovsk Region. Data collection was carried out in accordance with the inclusion criteria within 3 months. Primary endpoint: obtaining an opinion on the results of the multidisciplinary expertise for each case of multi-stage treatment. Results. Expert control was carried out for 491 cases of medical care to 72 patients with ACVDs in the amount of 11 452 313.47 rubles at all stages of medical care. A total of 299 cases (60.9% of verified cases) with defects in medical care delivery and coding of medical care were identified. Conclusion. MEMCQ is a reproducible effective tool for quality control of medical care both at the level of individual medical organizations and individually in every case of ACVDs.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):59-65
pages 59-65 views

The use of Actovegir for prevention of post-stroke cognitive impairment

Koltsova E.


Stroke remains one of the most common causes of death worldwide and the third most important cause of disability. Post-stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) of varying severity is detected in 40-70% of stroke patients. Cognitive impairment slows the process of functional recovery after a stroke. One of the most promising areas in the treatment of PSCI is the use of drugs with neurotrophic action. A large international, randomized, placebo-controlled ARTEMIS study has been devoted to the evaluation of the efficacy of actovegin in PSCI. The study found a statistically significant difference in the primary endpoint, a change in the ADAS-Cog + score at 6 months of treatment in the Actovegin group compared to placebo, indicating the effectiveness of the drug in improving cognitive function in stroke patients. Based on the results of an international randomized placebo-controlled ARTEMIS study, it can be concluded that the use of Actovegin in patients with acute ischemic stroke improves the prognosis for the recovery of cognitive functions, and, consequently, the prognosis of all rehabilitation activities conducted in both acute and early recovery period of stroke.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):66-70
pages 66-70 views

Syndrome of chronic generalized pain - a new interdisciplinary problem or competence of a general practitioner?

Kolokolov O., Sitkali I., Shakhpazov S., Kolokolova A.


The article discusses the actual problem of differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases manifested by the syndrome of chronic generalized pain (CGP). International diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia (FM), the main disease characterized by CGP, are listed. Information on the epidemiology and pathogenesis of CGP and FM is given. It is emphasized that a competent clinical assessment for clarifying the causes of CGP is more important than additional diagnostics. The diagnosis of FM can be established in facilities providing primary health care, based on an assessment of conformity with The American College of Rheumatology criteria (ACR, 2010), on the assumption of normal results of objective examination and routine laboratory tests excluding other diseases. The main groups of diseases that should be borne in mind during the diagnostic search for the detection of CGP are: diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, endocrinological, gastroenterological, infectious, oncological diseases, neurological disorders, mental health disorders, and iatrogenic pain. Particular attention is paid to ankylosing spondylitis and myofascial pain syndrome. The problems of treatment of FM are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):71-80
pages 71-80 views

Description of the familial case of the development of ischemic stroke in woman and perinatal ischemic brain damage in her two sons against the background of the thrombophilia gene polymorphism carrier status

Shichkina A., Shamalov N., Agranovich O., Bogatyreva M., Tovkan E.


Background. At present, cerebral circulation disorders in childhood remain insufficiently studied problem, despite the formation of a pronounced neurological deficit and a high risk of mortality. Description of the clinical case. In this clinical observation, a description of a 34-year-old woman with ischemic stroke, as well as her two sons with perinatal ischemic brain damage against background of thrombophilia, is presented. The results of the analysis of single nucleotide substitutions in the hemostasis system genes revealed that the mother had a coincidence of polymorphisms with the eldest son for three genes: F13 (G/T allele), ITGA2 (C/T allele) and PAI-1 (4G/4G allele), and also the coincidence of the /C allele for the ITGB3 gene with the younger son. Conclusion. In described case, the presence of risk factors for thrombotic conditions contributed to the onset of ischemic stroke in a female patient at a young age, and also became a predisposing factor in the development of severe cerebral ischemia in her sons.
Pharmateca. 2018;(5):81-87
pages 81-87 views

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