Algoritm prognozirovaniya retsidiviruyushchego i nepreryvnogo techeniya yazvennogo kolita u detey na osnove matematicheskogo modelirovaniya



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The article is devoted to the one of the most severe pathologies in pediatric gastroenterology - ulcerative colitis (UC). Despite progress in the evaluation of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of this disease, individualized and, at the same time, a systematic approach to the therapy has not been developed. This is particularly due to the lack of algorithms for the prediction of course of disease, which largely determines the tactics of treatment. Based on a retrospective analysis, the authors have identified a mathematical predictors of recurrent and continuous course of UC, and have presented the scheme for the stage-by-stage prediction, from outpatient settings to specialized centers, taking into account the availability of information. Mathematical prediction model and differentiated therapeutic tactics based on this model will optimize therapy in these pediatric patients.




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