Time is more precious than gold. Choosing a strategy for the successful management of a patient with suspected LADA-diabetes (clinical case)



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Background. Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is a serious problem for specialists, both in terms of its diagnosis and the choice of treatment tactics. The main goal of therapy is to preserve intrinsic insulin secretion, and this requires the timely appointment of insulin therapy. Description of the clinical case. The article presents a clinical case of a 34-year-old obese patient who was initially diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus in December 2020. The patient was prescribed insulin therapy. Over the next 3 months, the patient regularly visited the outpatient doctor at the place of residence and kept a sugar diary. In September 2021, the patient was routinely admitted to the Almazov National Medical Research Center (St. Petersburg), where he was prescribed glucose-lowering therapy in a basal-bolus mode and given recommendations for modifying lifestyle in order to reduce body weight. Based on the results of additional examination, a suspicion about the development of LADA-diabetes in the patient arose. Conclusion. As a result of the treatment, the patient achieved significant results in improving glycemic control in the absence of episodes of hypoglycemia. A health improvement and an increase in performance efficacy were noted. The timely administration of insulin has formed the correct path of treatment.




E. Smirnova

Endocrinology Center of the Kalininsky District, City Outpatient Clinic № 86

Email: katrin_cat@list.ru
Saint Petersburg, Russia


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