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编号 5 (2015)


Klinicheskaya inertsiya v terapii sakharnogo diabeta 2 tipa

Antsiferov M.


The article justifies the necessity of intensification of therapy to improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and reduce the risk of diabetic complications. Unfortunately, clinical inertia, or the tendency to follow the selected course of treatment independent of the outcome requiring intensification of therapy, significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy in patients with DM2. The potentials for overcoming of clinical inertia by using dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor vildagliptin are considered. This is because this drug, along with high hypoglycemic activity, has a low risk of hypoglycemia with the possibility of using in moderate renal and liver impairments, and is well tolerated. Overcoming of multifactorial nature of clinical inertia requires efforts from both physicians and patients. The emergence of effective and safe drugs for the treatment of DM2 may have a positive effect on the willingness of patients to follow medical recommendations, thus solving this problem.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):5-11
pages 5-11 views

Ingibitory SGLT-2: farmakologicheskaya glyukozuriya kak novyy podkhod v upravlenii SD 2 tipa

Demidova T.


Progressive course of type 2 diabetes mellitus, the lack of an «ideal» drug for the treatment of this disease are a key factors for the searching of new opportunities for effective management of blood glucose. The emergence of a new class of oral antidiabetic drugs is always an outstanding event in the modern diabetology The appearance of sodium-glucose co-transporter type 2 inhibitors and their introduction into clinical practice open a new era in the treatment of diabetes. Dapagliflozin is the first representative of this class, registered in Russia. With the best risk/benefit ratio and unique insulin-independent mechanism of action, dapagliflozin provides new opportunities to control not only the level of glycemia, but body weight without increasing the risk of hypoglycemia both foe physicians and patients.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):12-19
pages 12-19 views

Alogliptin - effektivnyy i bezopasnyy ingibitor dipeptidilpeptidazy-4 v terapii bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa

Mkrtumyan A.


Alogliptin is new dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor, which has a high affinity and high specificity for this enzyme, thereby provides rapid and sustained inhibition of DPP-4 with a significant reduction of postprandial plasma glucose concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Efficacy and safety of alogliptin were studied in five III phase placebo-controlled studiesnusing doses of 12.5 and 25 mg once a day. The drug was evaluated as monotherapy and in combination with sulfonylurea, metformin, pioglitazone, metformin±sulfonylurea, insulin±metformin. Results of studies indicate that alogliptin seems effective therapeutic option for DM2 both as monotherapy and in combination with antidiabetic drugs of other classes. It is emphasized that alogliptin in addition to high efficiency in clinical trials also has demonstrated high safety, including cardiovascular safety.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):20-27
pages 20-27 views

Personalizirovannyy podkhod k rezhimu insulinoterapii - est' li mesto strakhu gipoglikemiy?

Volkova N., Porksheyan M.


Currently, much attention is paid to the quality of life of the patient as one of the indicators for assessing the effectiveness of different modes of treatment of diabetes mellitus. The main factor that reduces the quality of life of patients receiving insulin therapy, is the fear of hypoglycemia. Fear of hypoglycemia leads to severe psychological and social maladjustment and reduces adherence to the treatment. Thus, when selecting regimen of insulin therapy, not only the incidence of hypoglycemia, but its impact on quality of life, including fear of hypoglycemia, should be considered.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Preimushchestva svoevremennoy initsiatsii insulinoterapii. Rezul'taty rossiyskoy observatsionnoy programmy HUBIN

Chernikova N., Ivanova L., Abaeva F.


There is plenty of evidence that the timely start of insulin therapy is necessary for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Observational study showed that initiation of insulin therapy in 1500 patients who did not have a target level of glycemic control against on therapy with oral antidiabetic drugs resulted in a statistically significant reduction of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAic) levels and fasting plasma glucose levels. The target level of HbAic was achieved 42.3% of patients on therapy with Insuman Basal and 29.2% -on therapy with other NPH insulins. In addition, the frequency of hypoglycaemia was minimal: 2 cases of severe hypoglycemia among 1,500 patients.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):32-37
pages 32-37 views

Adipokiny i serdechno-sosudistye zabolevaniya

Verbovoy A., Mitroshina E., Sharonova L.


The article provides an overview of research on the role of adipokines (leptin, adiponectin, resistin) - proteins secreted by adipose tissue, which are associated with weight gain, insulin resistance, atherosclerosis and the development of cardiovascular diseases.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):38-43
pages 38-43 views

Preimushchestva fiksirovannoy kombinatsii saksagliptina i metformina modifitsirovannogo vysvobozhdeniya (Kombogliz Prolong) v terapii SD 2 tipa

Ametov A.


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic, progressive disease that requires long-term continuous administration of glucose-lowering drugs and the need to intensify therapy. According to current Russian recommendations, administration of combination of two or even three oral hypoglycemic agents with complementary mechanisms of action is clinically justified. The use of fixed combinations in the treatment of T2DM can be related to the advantages of therapy such as convenient regimen of administration of the drug and high treatment compliance, resulting in improvement of metabolic and clinical outcomes of T2DM. Fixed combination of saxagliptin and metformin extended-release - Komboglyze Prolong® - opens up new prospects for the therapy of diabetic patients, offering effective and more convenient treatment regimen for the doctor and the patient. The advantages of this combination include not only a once daily administration of drug and improvement of all parameters of glycemic control, but also proven safety components, including a low risk of hypoglycemia, no negative impact on the weight and increase of risk of pancreatitis and cardiovascular diseases.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):44-52
pages 44-52 views

Ispol'zovanie kliniko-laboratornykh prediktorov v prognozirovanii antisekretornogo i antiproliferativnogo deystviya analogov somatostatina pri lechenii akromegalii: obzor poslednikh issledovaniy

Antsiferov M., Pronin V.


This review is dedicated to the current problems of pharmacotherapy of acromegaly. The mechanisms of antisecretory and antiproliferative action of somatostatin analogues, as well as the use of clinical and laboratory predictors for prognostication of effectiveness of a primary or secondary pharmacotherapy are discussed. The results of a meta-analysis and some clinical studies on this subject are presented.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):53-60
pages 53-60 views

Effektivnost' trekhkomponentnoy terapii s ispol'zovaniem liraglutida (Viktoza) -pervogo analoga glyukagonopodobnogo peptida-1 dlitel'nogo deystviya - u patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa i vistseral'nym ozhireniem

Antsiferov M., Koteshkova O.


Pathogenetic link between type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and obesity is proved. Both diabetes and obesity increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, which are the major cause of premature death DM2. Modern scientific research allowed to thoroughly examine the role of adipocytokines in the regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the human body and their changes during therapy with modern drugs used in the treatment of DM2 in obese patients. The data on the effectiveness of glycemic control and correction of visceral obesity during the treatment with liraglutide in combination with oral antidiabetic drugs in patients with DM2 and obesity are presented.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):61-66
pages 61-66 views

Polineyropatii: klinika, klassifikatsiya, terapiya

Badalyan O., Savenkov A.


The article highlights the issues of diagnosis and treatment of polyneuropathy, a widespread disease of the peripheral nervous system. The types and forms of polyneuropathy, the main pathogenetic mechanisms leading to its development are described in detail. Particular attention is paid to the main groups of diseases in which the neuropathy develops as a comorbidity. The criteria for choosing the drugs for the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy, formulated at an international conference in Sao Paulo (Minnesota, 1994) are presented. As pathogenetically substantiated and effective for the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy, preparation of thioctic acid is considered.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):67-71
pages 67-71 views

Sklerostin i ego ingibitory - novaya kontseptsiya v lechenii zabolevaniy kostey: izvestnoe proshloe, mnogoobeshchayushchee budushchee

Golovach I.


In accordance with the modern concept of the treatment of osteoporosis (OP), antiresorptive agents are first-line drugs for reducing the risk of bone fractures in patients with OP, and anabolic drugs are usually recommended only in patients with severe OP. in the case of bone ,ass loss, the microstructure of bone (microarchitectonics) cannot be restored only by influencing the function of osteoclasts. Thus, the future treatment paradigm for OP will be aimed at reversing OP due to maximize the bone mass and microarchitectural conservation at an early stage, and the results will be maintained using antiresorptive therapy at the second stage.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):72-77
pages 72-77 views

Priverzhennost' diagnostike osteoporoza u patsientov s maloenergeticheskimi perelomami kostey

Kochish A., Ivanov S., Sannikova E.


The article presents the results of comparative analysis of adherence to the diagnosis of osteoporosis (OP) in St. Petersburg residents: women aged more than 50 years and men aged more than 60 years with ability of independent walking, in two equal time periods -November to April 2009-2010 and 2012- 2013. It was found that the proportion of patients, coming from emergency stations to policlinic of RSRITO n.a. R.R. Vreden for free expert advice on OP, has only slightly increased for 3 years: from 31 to 35.9%. However, the proportion of patients who choose commercial dual energy X-ray densitometry after consulting, has been significantly increased (p<0.01) more than by two times, from 44.2 to 95.1%. Low adherence of patients to diagnosis of systemic OP is primarily due to their low awareness of this systemic skeletal disease and associated risk for life and health. The important task of raising such awareness and motivation of patients with low-energy fractures to the diagnosis of OP should belonges to traumatologists and orthopedists, who are often the first and only physicians faced such patients.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Sluchay osteonekroza verkhney chelyusti u patsientki s postmenopauzal'nym osteoporozom na fone dlitel'nogo lecheniya antirezorbtivnymi preparatami

Kochish A., Ivanov S.


The article presents and discusses in detail the clinical case of osteonecrosis of the maxilla, which has been developed in the patient aged 51 years with postmenopausal osteoporosis, treated for more than 10 years with antiresorptive therapy using various drugs. The article presents the analysis of publications on this topic; clinical and radiological signs of complications as well as recommendations for the prevention and treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the maxilla (BROM) are discussed. The purpose of the article - to pay attention of practicing physicians to the possibility of development of BROM in patients with osteoporosis against the background of long-term treatment with bisphosphonates and other antiresorptive drugs in combination with the above risk factors.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):83-87
pages 83-87 views

Vliyanie terapii ranelatom strontsiya na iskhody lecheniya patsientov s maloenergeticheskimi perelomami lodyzhek

Golubev G., Grebenshchikov V.


Fractures of the ankle are low-energy fractures in 20-30% of patients, and they occur in elderly and senile age. The prospective controlled randomized trial (52 patients) was aimed to the demonstration of the possibility of improving the results of surgical treatment of osteoporotic fractures of the ankle using strontium ranelate at a dose of 2 g daily for 12 months in the postoperative period. 42 patients had completed the study (group A - control [18 patients], B - main [24 patients]). All patients underwent surgery during the first 48 hours after injury in accordance with clinical guidelines. In postoperative period, both groups had received calcium supplement of 1500 mg/day, cholecalciferol 1,200 lU/day until metal structures were removed. Group B had received strontium ranelate (2.0 g once a day). Metal structures were removed in 350±15 days. According to the results of study, the use of strontium ranelate 2 g daily for a year in the postoperative period improves the functional state of the operated ankle. Subject to the conditions of use, strontium ranelate improves bone structure in the area of regenerating bone. There were no registered side effects and complications associated with the administration of strontium ranelate in this study.
Pharmateca. 2015;(5):88-95
pages 88-95 views