
Жернакова, Ю В

栏目 标题 文件
卷 7, 编号 1 (2010) Articles Znachenie agonista imidazolinovykh retseptorov moksonidina v lechenii bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey i metabolicheskim sindromom. Rezul'taty issledovaniya MERSY v Rossii
卷 8, 编号 2 (2011) Articles Svyaz' chisla komponentovmetabolicheskogo sindromas rasprostranennost'yui vyrazhennost'yu porazheniyaorganov-misheney
卷 13, 编号 3 (2016) Articles The possibility of a new receptor blocker to angiotensin in improving control of hypertension. Non-intervention international multicenter observational prospective study of the use azilsartan medoxomil in patients with arterial hypertension and overweight or obesity in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan PDF
卷 13, 编号 3 (2016) Articles Control of cardiovascular risk in patients with diabetes PDF
卷 14, 编号 1 (2017) Articles Cardiovascular risk factors in people with high normal blood pressure in Russian population (based on data obtained in ESSE-RF epidemiological study) PDF
卷 13, 编号 4 (2016) Articles The patients of high cardiovascular risk of healthy: unrecognized metabolic syndrome PDF
卷 14, 编号 1 (2017) Articles Fixed combination of highly selective β-adrenoblocker bisoprolol and calcium antagonist amlodipine (Concor® AM) for arterial hypertension treatment in metabolic disorder patients PDF
卷 15, 编号 3 (2018) Articles Guidelines for diagnostics and treatment of hypertension 2018 - European experts’opinion [Guidelines] PDF
卷 6, 编号 4 (2009) Articles The improved form perindopril in treatment of arterial hypertension in various clinical situations (PREMIA)
卷 8, 编号 1 (2011) Articles Tyazhest' metabolicheskogo sindroma opredelyaetsya chislom ego komponentov.
卷 8, 编号 3 (2011) Articles Vliyanie chisla odnovremennovstrechayushchikhsya komponentovmetabolicheskogo sindroma na tyazhest'arterial'noy gipertonii,rasprostranennost' i vyrazhennost'porazheniya organov-misheneyu dannykh bol'nykh
卷 8, 编号 4 (2011) Articles Vliyanie stepeni narusheniy uglevodnogo obmena na tyazhest' arterial'noy gipertonii, rasprostranennost' i vyrazhennost' porazheniya organov-misheney u bol'nykh s metabolicheskim sindromom
卷 16, 编号 1 (2019) Articles Diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension [Guidelines] PDF
