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Aim. Determination of efficacy and safety of enalapril, valsartan and their combination in renal transplant recipients with arterial hypertension.
Methods. 96 renal transplant recipients with systolic blood pressure (BP) >159 mm Hg, diastolic BP >89 mm Hg were included into open label study. Patients were randomized into three groups, in which enalapril (20 mg), valsartan (160 mg) and their combination (enalapril 10 mg and valsartan 80 mg) were used. Changes of BP, albuminuria, plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration were determined.
Results. All the treatment regimens provided comparable fall in BP, albuminuria and plasma aldosterone concentration. Plasma renin activity elevated, but not significantly. Serious adverse events were nor registered.
Conclusion. In renal transplant recipients enalapril, valsartan and their combination in half doses is effective in lowering blood pressure and albuminuria.

About the authors

M L Maksimov


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