Development of diagnosis of specific and non-specific lesions of upper urinary tract

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Aim. Improvement of tuberculous ureteritis by use of ureteroscopy as part of clinical diagnostic protocol. Methods. Clinical course of urinary tract involvment was studied in 112 patients with urinary tuberculosis and 74 - with uretheral strictures of non-tuberculous etiology, hospitalized during 2006-2011. Patients were divided into 2 groups: 1st - 48 (25,8 %) patients with nephrotubersulosis without uretheral involvement, 2nd - 64 (34,4 %) patients with renal tuberculosis with ureteral involvement, 3rd - 74 (39,8 %) patients with ureteral strictures of non-tuberculous genesis. Results. Patients with renal tuberculosis with ureteral involvement were characterized by maximal prevalence of organ destruction, chronic renal failure, and spreading to urinary bladder and paravesical cellular tissue. Chronic renal failure in patients with renal tuberculosis was more severe, than in those, who had ureteral stricture of non-tuberculous etiology. Conclusion. Renal tuberculosis with urinary tract involvement is characterized by most severe ureteral lesion, which can be revealed by ureteropyeloscopy with multifocal ureteral biopsy.

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