Cytokine profile and cardiovascular status in patients with chronic kidney disease after covid-19

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Objective. description of the cytokine model of the development of the cardiovascular changes in patients with chronic kidney disease (ckd) after new coronavirus infection. material and methods. clinical follow-up and examination of 150 patients with ckd after covid-19 was carried out. the examination included the determination of the interleukin-1 (IL-d, il-6, il-8, tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a), transforming growth factor p (Tgfpd, hscrp, d-dimer, fibrinogen, ferritin, natriuretic peptide, cystatin c levels, echocardiography, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, calculation of the glomerular filtration rate according to the ckd-epi formula. results. an increase in the pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, an increase in the hscrp, d-dimer, fibrinogen, ferritin, natriuretic peptide levels, a change in the structural and functional state of the cardiovascular system (CVS) in patients, especially in the first 3 months after a coronavirus infection, were found. Significant deterioration of the functional state of the kidneys during 3 months of follow-up was not observed in the majority of patients. Conclusion. Patients with ckd after new coronavirus infection require the supervision of a nephrologist and a cardiologist to monitor the functional state of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, as well as for the cardio- and nephroprotective therapy prescription.

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About the authors

Denis V. Zhmurov

Tyumen State Medical University

Cand.Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor at the Department of Propaedeutic and Faculty Therapy 54 Odesskaya st., Tymen, 625023

Vladimir A. Zhmurov

Tyumen State Medical University

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Propaedeutic and Faculty Therapy Tyumen, Russia

Ivan M. Petrov

Tyumen State Medical University

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Medical Informatics and Biological Physics with the UNESCO Bioethics Network Section Tyumen, Russia

Tatyana I. Petelina

Tyumen Cardiology Research Center - Branch of the Tomsk National Medical Research Center

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Leading Researcher, Department of Arterial Hypertension and Coronary artery insufficiency, Scientific Department of Clinical Cardiology Tyumen, Russia

Lyudmila I. Gapon

Tyumen Cardiology Research Center - Branch of the Tomsk National Medical Research Center

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Scientific Department of Clinical Cardiology, Scientific Director of the Department of Arterial Hypertension Tyumen, Russia

Elena I. Yaroslavskaya

Tyumen Cardiology Research Center - Branch of the Tomsk National Medical Research Center

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Laboratory of Instrumental Diagnostics Tyumen, Russia

Yulianna A. Petrova

Tyumen State Medical University

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor at the Department of Propaedeutic and Faculty Therapy Tyumen, Russia

Ekaterina A. Zhmurova

Tyumen State Medical University

Medical Resident at the Department of Internal Medicine, Outpatient Therapy and Family Medicine Tyumen, Russia

Anna A. Ermakova

Tyumen State Medical University

Tyumen, Russia

Polina A. Ermakova

Tyumen State Medical University

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Propaedeutic and Faculty Therapy Tyumen, Russia


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