Patients receiving renal replacement therapy with hemodialysis and taking nsaids during the covid-19 pandemic

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Objective. to study the features of the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) in patients receiving programmed hemodialysis (HD) during the covid-19 pandemic. material and methods. a survey of 196 patients hd was performed. results. more than half of the patients (iio/56%) receiving program hd took nsaids during the previous 6 months, 75.5% patients took nsaids during the last month, of which 27.7% took medications daily. the main reasons for taking nsaids are joint pain, headache. Almost half of the patients (47%) had a new coronavirus infection (NCI), of which 58.7% patients regularly took nsaids, and 28.2% patients - daily during the last month; 53.8% patients among the patients who did not undergo nici regularly took nsaids, and (27.з% - daily during the last month. Conclusion. More than half (56%) of patients receiving program hd often and for a long time take nsaids, despite the use of anticoagulants during hemodialysis. there was a slight increase in the frequency of nsaid intake in patients with covid-19 infection. considering the fact that the use of nsaids in this category of patients is associated with a high risk of complications, the urgent task remains to timely clarify the fact of the patient's use of nsaids, correction of therapy, selection of the safest drugs and their use regimens.

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About the authors

Andrey P. Rebrov

Saratov State Medical University named after V.l. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

MD, professor, head of hospital therapy department Saratov, Russia

Elena V. Grigoryeva

Saratov State Medical University named after V.l. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

PhD, assistant of professor of hospital therapy department Saratov, Russia

Gennady S. Petrov

Saratov State Medical University named after V.l. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

assistant of hospital therapy department Saratov, Russia

Maxim A. Polidanov

Saratov State Medical University named after V.l. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

student Saratov, Russia

Ivan E. Kondrashkin

Saratov State Medical University named after V.l. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

student Saratov, Russia

Igor S. Blokhin

Saratov State Medical University named after V.l. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

student Saratov, Russia

Darya A. Tyapkina

Saratov State Medical University named after V.l. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

student Saratov, Russia

Alexandra A. Boroday

Saratov State Medical University named after V.l. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

student Saratov, Russia


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