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№ 1 (2015)


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in disadvantaged populations

Garcia-Garcia G., Jha V.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Acute kidney injury and its prognostic value for patients with metabolic syndrome and intact glomerular filtration who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting

Iskenderov B., Sisina O.


Purpose. To determine the incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) and its prognostic value for patients with metabolic syndrome (Ms) and intact glomerular filtration undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Material and methods. a total of 782 patients (5і4 men and 268 women) aged 54 to 67 years (mean age - 62.3 ± 4.6 years), who routinely underwent CABG with EXTRACORPOREAL circulation, were evaluated. Of these, 513 (65.6%) patients had no diagnostic criteria for ms (Group і), while 269 (34.4%) patients were diagnosed with ms (Group 2). For all patients, the initial value of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was greater than бо mL/min/1.73 m 2, as defined by EPI-CKD creatinine equation. Results. In Group i, postoperative AKI occurred in і23 (24.0%) patients, in the Group 2 - in 94 patients (34.9%). As a result, both groups were divided in two subgroups - those with and without AKI. In Group 1, stage 1 AKI and transient AKI were significantly more frequently detected, and in the Group 2 - stage iii AKI and persistent AKI. In both groups, the development of AKI was associated with a high rate of early cardiovascular events after CaBG, and intergroup difference were revealed, especially in patients who did not have AKI. It is shown that the majority of parameters of ms were significantly higher in the Group 2 than in the Group I regardless the presence of the AKI. In-hospital mortality in both groups of patients with AKI was significantly higher than in patients without the AKI. Conclusion. It is revealed that the presence of ms in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting is associated with a high incidence of AKI and poor prognosis in immediate postoperative period.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):8-12
pages 8-12 views

Coupled plasma filtration adsorption in the treatment of s sepsis in patients after kidney transplantation

Vatazin A., Zul'karnaev A., Krstich M., Kantarija R.


Post-transplant septic complications remain a major problem in organ transplantation. Treatment of sepsis in renal transplant recipients is a particularly challenging task due to the long-term use of immunosuppressive medications. According to modern concepts, the key role in the sepsis progression plays an uncontrolled systemic inflammatory response. One of the promising treatment modalities able to suppress the systemic inflammatory response is a coupled plasma filtration adsorption (CPFA). However, there have been no studies examining the effectiveness of this technique for the sepsis in the kidney transplant patients, which emphasie the relevance of this study. We conducted a comparative assessment of the effects of hémofiltration (HF) and CPFA on the changes in the mean arterial pressure and the PaOz/FiOz coefficient in septic patients after kidney transplantation. The study group patients were treated with CPFA in combination with HF while the patients of the comparison group received only Hf. The combination of CPFA and HF was found to increase the mean arterial pressure and the PaOz/FiOz coefficient, as well as to reduce the need for sympathomimetic agent administration. In conclusion, additional sorption removal of circulating inflammatory mediators reduces the activity of the systemic inflammatory response, thus significantly improving the effectiveness of the therapy.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):13-18
pages 13-18 views

Pulmonary hypertension in dialysis patients

Borodulina E., Karpunin S., Shutov A.


Purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of pulmonary artery pressure within a year of hemodialysis treatment and investigate the relationship between blood flow in arteriovenous fistula and pulmonary artery pressure. Material and methods. 50 dialysis patients (і9 males and 31 females) were evaluated. at the beginning of dialysis 42 patients had arterial hypertension and 32 patients - chronic heart failure. At the beginning of dialysis and after a year follow up in all patients cardiac functions were evaluated by echocardiography and arteriovenous fistula flow (AVF) was measured by Doppler sonography. Pulmonary hypertension was diagnosed according to criteria of Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology. Results. Pulmonary hypertension was found in 29 (58%) patients. Before the beginning of dialysis correlation was detected between systolic pap and LVMMI (R=0.56; P=0.008), left ventricular ejection fraction (R=-0.54; P<0.001), hemoglobin (R = -0.37; P = 0.01) and LV IisovolumicC relaxation time (IVRT: R = 0.79; P<0.001). At the end of the follow-up left ventricular myocardial mass decreased FR0M159.1±35.8 to 129.1±42.2 g/ m 2 (Р = 0.04), systolic pap decreased from 46.3±16.1 to 40.4±11.7 MM Hg (Р=0.01). No correlation was found between PAP and arteriovenous fistula flow (R = 0.11; P=0.3). Conclusion. Pulmonary hypertension was observed in half of the patients at the beginning of HD and was associated with left ventricular hypertrophy, systolic and diastolic left ventricular dysfunction. a year later a partial regression of LVH and decrease the severity of pulmonary hypertension were found. There was no correlation between arteriovenous fistula flow and pulmonary artery pressure.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):19-22
pages 19-22 views

Role of serum alpha-Klotho and FGF-23 in cardiovascular calcification

Rudenko L., Batjushin M., Kastanajan A., Vorob'ev B., Sarvilina I.


Aim: To determine the association between the level of alpha-Klotho, FGF-23 and the presence of structural and functional cardiovascular abnormalities in dialysis patients. Materials and Methods: Eighty-three patients from two dialysis centers. Initial assessment included medical history, anthropometric measures, laboratory tests, echocardiography and plain abdominal X-ray. Results: Serum levels of alpha-Klotho and FGF-23 were measured in a cohort of dialysis patients. Reduction of alpha-Klotho concentrations correlated with the left ventricular hypertrophy of (LVH) as assessed by echocardiography and with the abdominal aorta calcification as assessed from abdominal x-ray in lateral view. Changes in the levels of FGF-23 have not shown a similar correlation. Conclusion: Alpha-Klotho can be used as a marker for cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):23-26
pages 23-26 views

Strategy of drug therapy selection in patients with hypertension and renal tubulointersticial injury

Sokolova A., Dragunov D., Arutjunov G.


Objectives. To optimize drug therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and tubulointersticial disease. Material and methods. a total of З45 patients were screened of whom 55 were enrolled in the study. The patients were comparable regarding major baseline characteristics. Dietary salt intake was limited to < 6 g/day. After ЗО days of the study 13 patients were excluded due to blood pressure normalization and being not required antihypertensive treatment. The patients were randomized into two treatment groups («a» and «t»): azilsartan and torasemide Sr, respectively. In all patients at the beginning of drug therapy and at the final visit ABPM was performed, conductivity of the urine and natriuretic activity were assessed. Data management and analysis were performed using Statistica і0.0. Results. In the group «a» 58.3% of the patients had «non-dipper» bp profile at the DO visit vs. і8.75% at the final visit, «dipper» 46.6% vs. 81.25%, «night-peaker» ЗЗ.З% vs. 0.0%. In the group «t» bp profile «non-dipper» at the DO visit had 41.6% of patients vs. 11.76% at the final visit, «dipper»53.3% vs. 82.35%, «night-peaker» 66.7%VS 5.88%. At the DO visit «evening conductivity» in group «a» was 40.7 ± 17.7 ms /cm and 4З.5 ± 19.З 7 ms /cm in the group «t» (p> 0.05), «evening natriuresis» was ЗО5.12 ± 1ЗО.9 mmol/l in the group «a» and 317.5 ± 1З9.2 in the group «T»(p> 0.05). At the visit D4 «evening conductivity» was 26.З ± 10.З ms /cm and 28.9 ± 15.5 - in the group «a» and «t» (p = 0.58), respectively, «the evening natriuresis» was 203.8 ± 86.76 mg/dL in the group «a» and 205.і ± 1 і5.7 mg/dL in the group «t» (p = 0.97). At the DO visit augmentation index (Ai) in the aorta in the group «a» was 7.5 [31.0; -6.0] and 17.0% [-5.0; 36.0]% IN THE GROUP «T»(P = 0.69). ΙΑ at THE visit D4 IN THE aorta IN THE group «a» amounted TO -13.5 [-21.0; -2.0] % and TO -1.0 [-9.0; 9.0]% IN THE group «T»(p = 0.03). Conclusion. Conductivity of the urine and natriuresis, measured in the evening hours, reflect the renal RTT function and can serve as markers of unfavorable blood pressure profile. For patients with a low salt intake (less than 15 g /d) azilsartan is more effective due to producing greater ΙΑ changes than torasemide Sr (2 [-9.5; 15.5]%) in THE aorta (-21 [-29.9; -16]%), affecting the activity of the Raas. Torasemide Sr, increasing sodium excretion, showed the best result in patients with high salt intake (more than 15 g /day) (ΙΑ aorta was -9 [-14; -2]%), P = O.OOO2.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Massive hematuria following percutaneous biopsy of the graft in a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis

Jankovoj A., Sinjutin A., Stepanov V., Korshuno K.


This article describes a case of massive hematuria after needle biopsy of nephrograft. Possible ways of treatment of this complication are discussed.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):34-38
pages 34-38 views

Selected issues of chemolitholysis in urate nephrolithiasis

Batyushin M.


Urate stones account for 5-10% of all urinary calculi. The key point in stone formation is the adhesion of the microcrystals of uric acid in the tubular urine to the apical nephrothelial membrane. Urate nephrolithiasis may develop against the background of normal excretion of uric acid in the urine in conditions of reduced ammoniogenesis, leading to a decrease of urinary pH. Nutrition can have a significant impact on the purine metabolism and urine acidity, especially in patients with gout, and is one of the key components of the management of patients with hyperuricemia, but to a lesser extent, affects the risk of uric acid stone formation. In fact, citrate mixture is buffer component causing urinary alkalization by hydrolysis with formation of strong base ions and a weak acid. Blemaren has certain advantages over other citrate mixtures, which include predominance of citric acid over citric salt, as well as significant proportion of potassium hydrogen carbonate as buffer component. Thus, hyperuricosuria and decrease of pH due to lower ammoniogenesis are the main pathogenetic factors for uric acid stone formation. The use of citrate mixtures, especially Blemaren, can effectively control the urate urolithiasis, leading to litholysis and reducing the risk of stone recurrence.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):39-42
pages 39-42 views

Relationship of renal excretory function impairment to serum erythropoietin level in chronic heart failure

Makarova N., Zaharov J.


Aim. To evaluate opportunity using calculated gromerular filtration rate (GFR) as universal selection criterion for erythropoietin therapy indication in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Methods. 256 patients (132 male, 124 female) with CHF II-VI functional rate NYHA were examined. It was researched basic indices of peripheral red blood, excretory kidney function, levels of serum inflammatory markers and erythropoietin (Epo). Results. Statistic significance correlation between calculated GFR values and Epo levels was found in patients with CHF neither without anemia (r=-0,04 in male and r=-0,15 in female, р<0,05) nor with anemia (r=-0,04 in male and r=-0,15 in female, р<0,05). In both cases its' changes weren't depended from inflammatory reaction activity that was practically equal. Conclusion. Calculated GFR cannot be universal selection criterion for Epo-therapy indications in patients with CHF.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):43-47
pages 43-47 views

Biomarkers for risk stratification in patients with atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease

Fomin V., Kijakbaev G.


Recent studies of biomarkers in a population of patients with atrial fibrillation showed that their use may improve risk stratification. It has been shown that cardiac biomarkers such as troponins and natriuretic peptides, in combination with available clinical risk stratification models allow to better anticipate the possibility of complications. Similar data are available regarding biomarkers of kidney function and coagulation.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Protein-energy malnutrition in peritoneal dialysis patients: risk factors and diagnosis

Vetchinnikova O., Pichugina I.


Resume. The lecture presents current information on the prevalence and classification of protein-energy malnutrition (РЕМ) in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on replacement therapy with peritoneal dialysis. More highlights the causes and potential risk factors for malnutrition, as typical for all patients with CKD, and especially for this method of treatment. Ways of assessing nutritional status, draws attention to the appropriateness of the use of complex techniques and dynamic monitoring of nutritional status.
Clinical nephrology. 2015;(1):55-63
pages 55-63 views

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