Asimmetry in inborn kidney hypoplasy and children viability in dependence of affection lateralization


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Aim. Estimation of role of localization, gender and age of clinical signs manifestation in clinical course of renal hypoplasia. Methods. 424 chidren were included into the study: 236 — with renal hypoplasia, 131 — with inborn renal agenesia, 57 — with renal dysplasia. Localisation of anomaly, age and gender of patients were analyzed. Results. Renal hypoplasia and dysplasia are more frequently found in girls, renal agenesia — in boys. Trend for lesion asymmetry was found in children age > 1 year; right-sided localization was seen more often. Renal hypoplasia is diagnosed predominantly in children < 1 year and > 7 years, in whom signs of chronic renal failure are obvious. Mortality is highest in children < 1 year and if localization of renal anomaly is bilateral. Conclusion. Renal hypoplasia in children is associated with unfavorable prognosis, especially in children age < 1 year and in bilateral localization of anomaly.

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