


Aim. Study of efficacy of albimun dialysis with molecular adsorbent recirculation system (MARS) in treatment of type 2 hepatorenal syndrome.
Methods. 25 patients (15 male, 10 female), age 41 - 69 years, with chronic hepatic failure and type 2 hepatorenal syndrome were included into the study. 1st group of patients (n=15) received extended veno-venous haemofiltration and drug treatment, in 2nd group (n=10) albimun dialysis with MARS was also performed.
Results. Drug treatment and extended veno-venous haemofiltration lead to improvement of clinical status, decrease of serum concentration of urea, creatinine, К+, elevation of serum concentration of Na+ and glomerulary filtration rate (GFR). Elevation of systolic blood pressure (SBP) was also observed. In group of patients, who received albimun dialysis with MARS improvement of synthetic function of liver was registered; they also demonstrated higher values of SBP and GFR, than 1st group. 30-day mortality was 73% in 1st group and 40% in 2nd group.
Comclusion. Inclusion into treatment protocol of type 2 hepatorenal syndrome albimun dialysis with MARS leads to improvement of liver synthetic function, decrease of severity of renal failure and 30-day mortality.


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