Relationship of hyperchemerinemia and parameters of nutritive status in patients with chronic renal insufficiency



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The aim of the study was to reveal the relationship between the serum chemerin levels and certain parameters that reflect the development of disorders of nutritional status. Patients and methods: The study included 83 patients from two ambulatory hemodialysis centers. All patients underwent anamnestic, anthropometric, and laboratory examination; the results of additional methods of diagnosis were analyzed, including carpal dynamometry and other physical examination data; also, serum chemerin levels were assessed. Results. As a result of the study, the following data were obtained: significantly elevated chemerin levels were detected in all subjects absolutely (its concentration was 450.і ng/ml), while the level of this indicator was on the average within 524.68±82.45 ng/ml in women, and 392.67±80.34 ng/ml in men, it was higher than the normal indices of healthy people. During the study, a positive correlation between the subcutaneous fat thickness over the abdomen and the serum chemerin level was found (r=0.49, p<0.012), and a relationship between the plasma chemerin level and the dry weight of the patient (r=-0.3; p<0.014) was established. Data have been obtained indicating a negative correlation of capral dynamometry (r=-0.44, p<0.001) with serum chemerin level and serum creatinine level (r=-0.473, p<0.005). As a result of the study, a positive correlation between the serum chemerin level and the duration of the disease was found (r=0.61, p<0.001). Conclusion. Thus, data on the role of chemerin in metabolic processes and nutritional status parameters in patients with ESRF receiving RRT by PHD were obtained.




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