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编号 2 (2014)


Cardiovascular risk and chronic kidney disease: cardioand nephroprotection strategies

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Разработаны Комитетом экспертов Российского кардиологического общества (РКО), Научного общества нефрологов России (НОНР), Российской ассоциации эндокринологов (РАЭ), Российского медицинского общества по артериальной гипертонии (РМОАГ), Национального общества по изучению атеросклероза (НОА), Российского научного медицинского общества терапевтов (РНМОТ)
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):4-29
pages 4-29 views

The results of the advisory council of experts «Place of calcimimetics in modern clinical recommendations for mbd-ckd - in the light of new studies using cincalcet»

Zemchenkov A.


March 5, 2014, an Advisory Board meeting «The Role of Calcimimetics in Current Clinical Guidelines for CKD -MBD in the Light of New Research Findings» was held in Moscow at the initiative of the Russian Dialysis Society. The Board was convened on the eve of preparation of updates to the Russian national recommendations for mineral and bone disorders in chronic kidney disease (CKD-MBD), created and published by the Russian Dialysis Society (RDS) in 2011 after publication of clinical guidelines for the diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and treatment of CKD-MBD, KDIGO 2009. Upon new clinical studies findings discussion, the experts signed the resolution.
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):30-36
pages 30-36 views

Resolution of advisory council of nephrologists

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Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):37-38
pages 37-38 views

Approaches to treatment of patients with uric acid dysmetabolism

Scherbak A., Lebedeva M.


Approaches to medical treatment of uric acid dymetabolism are discussed. Clinical case, illustrating the efficacy of most widely used therapeutical schemes are presented. Indications for use of drugs, inducing the salvation of uric acid in the urine are named; methods of prevention of uric acid crystallization in urinary tract are reviwed.
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Comparative clinical and age-related features and criteria for evaluating the results of treatment of urinary tract tuberculosis

Skornyakov S., Zuban O., Novikov B., Borodin E., Arkanov L., Medvinsky I., Fadina O.


Aim. Analysis of the structure of nephrotuberculosis and definition of clinical symptoms of the disease at current stage. Methods. a retrospective analysis of a computer database of 112 newly diagnosed patients with nephrotuberculosis who were registered from 2006 to 2013 was performed. Clinical and sex-age structure of the disease, the methods of detection and the main symptoms of 112 patients with nephrotuberculosis and 74 patients with ureteral stricture of nonspecific etiology were evaluated. The presence of specific disease of urinary tract organs and/ or ureteral strictures were criteria for the inclusion in the study (n = 186). Depending on the etiology of the disease and the presence of ureteral stricture, all patients were divided into 3 groups. The first group included 48 (25.8 %) patients with nephrotuberculosis without extension to the ureter. The second group consisted of 64 (34.4 %) patients with renal tuberculosis involving the ureter. Third group consisted of 74 (39.8 %) patients (37 women and 37 men) with ureteral stricture of nonspecific genesis aged 18 to 80 (48.5 ± 1.7) years. Results. Tuberculosis of the kidney with extension to the ureter is characterized by high proportion of the later stages of degradation of the kidney, cri, involvement of the bladder and the perirenal tissue in inflammation compared with isolated nephrotuberculosis. cri against the background of a specific ureteritis is significantly pronounced than in uretral stricture of nonspecific genesis. Conclusion. In the structure of nephrotuberculosis, more than half of cases accounted for advanced destructive forms of the disease with the most severe clinical course, with typical predominance of persons older than 50 years among patients with advanced destructive forms of nephrotuberculosis, reflecting the pathogenesis of renal tuberculosis - a slow progressive course of the disease.
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):42-47
pages 42-47 views

Dynamics of osteopontin levels during therapy with candesartan in patients on program hemodialysis

Ovskaya E.


Aim. Evaluation of the features of plasma osteopontin levels, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular remodeling against the background of therapy with candesartan, and identifying the relationships between these parameters in patients with chronic kidney disease who receive program hemodialysis. Methods. Patients underwent 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, echocardiography, carotid Doppler sonography, determination of plasma osteopontin levels using enzyme immunoassay during 12-week treatment with candesartan. Results. The therapy significantly reduced mean systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure, a decreased the relative left ventricular wall thickness, decreased the left ventricular mass index, and reduced plasma osteopontin levels. At the same time, positive correlations between indicators of cardiovascular remodeling, blood pressure and osteopontin levels was found. Conclusion. Application of candesartan cilexetil in the population of hemodialysis patients contributes to the regression of left ventricular hypertrophy and indicators of vascular remodeling, and has antihypertensive effect. Osteopontin can be considered as a marker of cardiovascular remodeling in a cohort of patients receiving renal replacement therapy by program hemodialysis.
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):48-51
pages 48-51 views

Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease at an early stage

Borodulin V., Protopopov A., Goremykin V., Utts I., Shevchenko O., Volkov A., Bychkov E., Losev O., Nesterenko O.


Aim. Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease at early stages. Methods. The 50 patients aged 18 to 76 years (51.7 ± 1З.4) with risk factors for renal disease (arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, intrarenal vessels) were examined. The comparison group consisted of 30 volunteers without CKD risk factors and signs of kidney damage. We examined the NGAL levels and calculated NGAL / albumin ratio in all patients. Results. According to the proposed method, the coefficient of NGAL/albumin above 0.27 indicates presence of CKD.
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):52-55
pages 52-55 views

Metabolic disturbances in the intra-and postoperative period in renal transplantation

Vatazin A., Sinyutin A., Zulkarnayev A., Patyukov K., Kantaria R., Krstic M.


Buffer and physiological mechanisms normally ensures a stable pH of the blood. In the body of the recipient the accumulation of toxic products, reducing the intensity of free radical processes and increasing the activity of antioxidant protection. The use of plasmapheresis in the early postoperative period, contributed to the correction of homeostasis, in particular the normalization of acid-base status, reduction of toxic products of metabolism, suppress the activity of oxygen free radicals.
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):56-60
pages 56-60 views

The clinical value of the determination of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in children with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

Bashirova Z., Vozdvizhenskaya E., Osmanov I.


Aim. Determination of the features of changes of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors as criteria of disease progression in children with autosomal dominant kidney disease. Methods. The study included 26 children (15 boys and 11 girls ) aged 4 to 16 years (mean age - 11.7 ± 4.81) with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Main components of proteolysis - matrix metalloproteinases (MMP -1, MMP -2, MMP -3, MMP -9), tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (РАI-1) were evaluated in blood and urine by Elisa. Results. Arterial hypertension was revealed in 35 % of cases. Significant correlations between indices of time of arterial hypertension, glomerular filtration rate and ММР, TIMP and РАI -1 were identified. The relationship between the MMP-3, MMP-9, РАI-1 blood levels, TIMP-1 urine levels, and total kidney volume on CT was found. Excretion of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in the urine increase with increasing volume of nephrosclerosis on SPECT - CT. Increasing the volume of cysts on SPECT - CT accompanies with increase of blood and urine MMP-2 levels, and urine TIMP-1 levels. Reduction of integral reuptake index leads to the increase levels of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors: TIMP -1 in urine and the activity of РАI -1 in the blood. Conclusion. The relationships between matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors and clinical signs of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in children suggest an important role of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in the mechanisms of disease progression through their participation in the development of fibrotic changes, and justifies the search for new approaches to inhibit fibrosis in renal tissue aimed tothe correction of imbalances in the system of ММР/ММР inhibitors.
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):61-63
pages 61-63 views


Batiushin M., Pasechnik D., Chistiakov V.


Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and approaches to treatment of IgM-nephropathy are discussed. Case reports of IgM-nephropathy are presented.
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):64-69
pages 64-69 views

Intraperitoneal bleeding at late postoperative period in CAPD patient

Yankovoy A., Vatasin A., Sinutin A., Smoliakov A., Stepanov V.


Intraperitoneal bleeding at late postoperative period in CAPD patiens it is enough rare complication. The Late diagnostics hemoperitoneum can bring about unsatisfactory work of peritoneal catheter transfer on gemodialysis, mortal upshot. Presented clinical observation demonstrates the consequences of the late diagnostics extensive intraperitoneal bleedings.
Clinical nephrology. 2014;(2):70-72
pages 70-72 views