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Thus, there have been detected functional biomechanical disorders at 100% of patients in the form of inflection and extension somatic dysfunction (With С 0-l at 99,60 0,39% of patients, rotary dysfunction C l-II In 100% cases, dysfunction in sfenobazilaris synchondroses in the form of restriction of the inflection and extension, internal rotation of a temporal bone, dysfunctions of sagittarius, coronal, temporal - parietal seams of a skull and compression of craniovertebral area in from 96,84 1,09% to 99,20 0,56% cases are revealed.
The registered facts of functional biomechanical disorders at patients with ИНМК (brain stroke) in the regenerative period allow to refer manual therapy to the methods of the influence on rehabilitation mechanisms of the organism. Forthe patients with brain stroke in the regenerative period it should be recommended to include in the protocol of an examination the vertebroneuvrology examinations, beam diagnostics of the cervical division of the spine and the osteology diagnostics of the cervical spine level and cranium.

About the authors

S L Chepurnaya

N A Ivonina


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